On being introduced to somebody, a British person often shakes.
On being introduced to somebody, a British person often shakes hands.
The study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag.
Thee study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag.
On average, a British person eats 50g of protein derived from meat each day - the equivalent of a chicken breast or a lamb chop.
No matter how small or humble the home, a British person considers the place where they live to be their own little corner of the world.
In this peculiar failing, and in the bashfulness with which a British person receives praise, I invite you to witness our national ambivalence to success.
And if a British person is offered some beer, he might say "Yes, I could drink a little", or, holding out his glass, "You could put a drop in there."
For Miss Middleton, the associations she has with the Abbey are quite simply the same as any British person would have for such a glorious and holy place.
It really takes time to find really good pizza in Zhuhai, however, foreign people living in Zhuhai will tell you that there is a British person in Jiding who makes really good pizza.
在珠海找到特别地道的批萨,确实要花不少时间,不过好彩,珠海的老外介绍说, 在金鼎,- 位英国人做的批萨, 绝对正宗。
The average British person will eat over 10000 bars of chocolate, shed 68700 ml of tears and smoke 77000 cigarettes, the television documentary "Human Footprint" claims on UK's Channel 4.
The cardinal principle of British education is education of the whole person.
Although he has gradually gained international recognition as one of the world's leading conservationists, many British people still think of his as an eccentric person who talks to plants.
The British endurance swimmer and explorer wants to be the first person to swim at the geographic North Pole.
British insurers offer policies with premiums based on precisely when and where a person drives.
The person most commonly associated with AOP is Gregor Kiczales, currently at the University of British Columbia, where he works on software modularity research.
最普遍的被认为与AOP相关联的人是Gregor Kiczales,现在他在不列颠哥伦比亚大学从事软件模块化的研究。
Psychologist Dr Cecilia d'Felice said: 'For British women, the key to a successful relationship is finding someone on the same wavelength, a person whom they genuinely resonate with。
A former British taxi driver has become the first person in the world for 3, 000 years to be mummified in the same way as the pharaohs .
"China's Got Talent" will retain the three-person jury panel of the original British version and will not change its members during the run.
Another study, published in 1995 by a British researcher, found that it made no difference whether a person walked or ran.
Where this writ is served on a person in British Columbia, the time for appearance by that person is 7 days from the service (not including the day of service).
Application has to be submitted in person to the british consulate - general . electronic submission will not be accepted.
A 31-year-old British woman has appeared in court accused of putting the wrong sort of rubbish into her recycling bin, the first person to fall foul of new environmental legislation passed in 2005.