Another type of silicone breast implant called a "gummy bear" implant is in development.
The card read: "I can't (bear) to be without you" - with gummy bear treats in place of the word.
卡片上写着:“不能没有你(i can ' t (bear) to be without you)”,“bear”一词是由一只“笨笨熊”代替的。
The rice is sticky, tastes somewhat like oatmeal, but with the chewy consistency of a gummy bear.
“Nutritionally there is little difference between a gummy bear and a bite of fruit leather,” she said.
“在营养学上,一颗小熊软糖和少量水果干其实几乎没什么差别。” 她表示。
"Nutritionally there is little difference between a gummy bear and a bite of fruit leather," she said.
Walking on the islands is like walking on a giant gummy bear, and if it's not patched well, a foot can go all the way through.
As a dietary supplement, parents may give child two (2) Rhino Swirlin 'Calci-Bears per day. Instruct to chew gummy bear carefully and thoroughly.
Directions: As a dietary supplement, parents may give each child 2 bears per day. Instruct child to chew each gummy bear carefully and thoroughly.
As a dietary supplement for children 2 and older, take two (2) gummy bears per day, preferably with a meal. Instruct child to chew each bear carefully and thoroughly.