Even so, the surviving records of North America do contain references to deadly epidemics among the indigenous population.
Their impact on the indigenous population was devastating.
Europe, at least the indigenous population of Europe, is dying.
Europe's indigenous population is ageing fast, with a quarter of it over 60.
An epidemic resulted in overt measles in 99.9 per cent of the indigenous population.
Poynton says at the moment, the indigenous population feels disenfranchised from the planning process for the forests.
Why didn't they expand like we did and lay claim to far away nations, beat back the indigenous population as we did.
Each time the bedrock of his support has been the indigenous population, which makes up around half of Bolivia's population.
Smallpox first arrived in the Americas in 1519 on the Caribbean island of Santa Domingo, killing half of the indigenous population.
There are large number of skills in this country, which we cannot fill from, within the indigenous population, or the European Economic Area.
The Aboriginal population had declined from over a million to about sixty thousand since 1788, and this indigenous population was expected to die out completely.
During this period, extensive settlement resulted in a Japanese population of over 100,000 throughout Micronesia while the indigenous population was about 40,000.
The education about Guyana itself, the local peoples, Africans and Indians and the other RACES, the indigenous population especially, was marginal, minuscule at best.
Ethnic Composition: Residents are divided into 9 ethno-Linguistic groups, including a predominant number of Chamorro extraction. The indigenous population is Micronesian.
It was a response to the horrifying incidence of child abuse among the indigenous population, the product perhaps of unemployment, drugs, drunkenness, family breakdown and despair.
Some scholars believe that most of the indigenous population resided in Mesoamerica and South America, with approximately 10 percent residing in North America, prior to European colonization.
In some countries, indigenous peoples are 600 times more likely to contract tuberculosis than the general population.
The Inughuit are one of the smallest indigenous groups in the world, with a population of just 800 spread across the four settlements that make up the Thule region.
Many of the most vulnerable segments of the Peruvian population, including indigenous peoples, live in remote places in the Andes or Selva regions.
Indigenous people comprise about a quarter of the Northern Territory's population, compared with 2% in Australia as a whole.
A motley population of Europeans, mostly itinerant traders, sprang up, living often in tension with the indigenous tribes dwelling nearby.
While the northern and northeastern part of the population are indigenous, some have a European or African descent.
The poorest areas include indigenous towns, where poverty affects 96.3 percent of the inhabitants, though they only account for 7.1 percent of the country's population.
Indigenous peoples and conquerors gradually coalesced into the present-day population.
More than 370 million people around the world are members of indigenous communities; in other words, 5% of the world's population.
A member of the indigenous or earliest known population of a region.
The name, coined by its indigenous human population, translates into "Above the Clouds."