She leaned forward, hunching over the desk.
《牛津词典》Hunching constricts your breathing, and it makes you look bad as well.
"Ask him," said Ben Weatherstaff, hunching his shoulders toward the robin.
I don't mean that you have to assume a parade-ground posture, but stand in a comfortable, natural way, rather than hunching over the lectern.
Power, "the blind man repeated heavily, hunching up his shoulders."
He danced with his knees, on tiptoe, hunching his shoulders to his ears.
To combat this, make sure your computer screen is positioned in a way that you're not straining or hunching to see it.
Prevention: Remember to stretch and strengthen your upper back to compensate for all that hunching you do at the office.
Perhaps you find yourself hunching or slouching as you talk about what you want, or having a strong desire to bolt out of the room.
His footsteps on the hallway's oak floor got louder and louder. I felt my head hunching between my shoulders; then Dad was at the door and raging.
But if possible without hunching your shoulders forward, press your palms firmly together by, touching the bases of your palms first, then the palms themselves, and finally the fingers.
have a hunch that