He may have money, but for health he has nothing on you.
You may be one of those guys who thinks there's nothing cooler than a superhero brooding on a rooftop or cathedral spire.
Does it lift your spirits on a bad day, or does it annoy you because there's nothing happy about this particular holiday this year?
Nothing is pulling on you, only gravity.
"On mine honor, my friend," answered Zarathustra, "there is nothing of all that whereof you speak: there is no devil and no hell."
To keep safe in terms of an earthquake, you should remain at a spot in your room where nothing may fall on you.
Nothing is more sad than taking on a job in which you have no interest, for it will not only ruin your talents but also discourage your desire to succeed in life.
There is absolutely nothing you can do while this is going on but keep both eyes fixed on the sink until it's full.
We are as dependent on our frying pans as sheep are on their internal fellow travellers, for if you eat nothing but raw food you will starve to death.
This is why you cannot base anything on me: nothing of the conqueror lasts, not even his doctrines.
Decide that nothing can stop you. - Being born to walk on water isn't enough by itself.
The countless predictions of doom or salvation amount to nothing; the one thing you can count on is that we will be surprised.
Even if nothing else in your life changes, it starts to rub off on you.
You've been seated, they've given you water and bread, and you decide - because the place is a bit grimy or too expensive, or nothing on its menu is appealing - that you want to leave.
This sells you like nothing else on your resume does.
With a statically linked executable, there is some guarantee that nothing will change on you.
So, to be honest with you, I'm watching nothing on television lately.
Even if your job is hectically busy most of the time, you'll probably have the occasional few minutes when there's really nothing you can get on with.
There's nothing more rewarding than putting smiles on the faces around you.
There's nothing you need to do based on this research.
It has nothing to do with what colors look good on you.
First, and this is nothing new, you should always keep your eye firmly on business needs, not technology needs.
If you don't concentrate on your work, you can accomplish nothing.
If you don't concentrate your attention on work, you will achieve nothing.
Although there's nothing like "being there," you can improve on the actual event by embellishing to create a little more tension in the set up.
You feel like you have nothing on.
If they do, they have nothing better going on in their life, and you shouldn't be concerned with what they think of you anyway.