1 词典释义:
have authority over
时间: 2025-01-23 11:47:38


  • The Mamos have authority over people.


  • I now have authority over the people I used to take orders from.


  • CANON XLI: We command that the Bishop have authority over the property of the church.


  • They do not have authority over me because the right way to treat their advice depends on my goals.


  • Dreier, according to court documents, was the only person at the 238-lawyer firm to have authority over those escrow accounts.


  • No, because that\'s where parents can and do have some authority over their children, and they absolutely need to know where he is and what he\'s doing.


  • They finished my food and began the conversation with an insult: “You have to hand over the authority of the hospital and the management of your camp to us,” one gunman told me.


  • In real competition, one business does not have regulatory or taxation authority over its competitors.


  • Don't let your inner voice have authority or power over your feelings.


  • For example, perhaps a DBA is required to have full administrative authority over the DB2 UDB instance, but not over the local machine or network.

    比如,DBA可能要求拥有DB 2 udb实例的全部管理授权,但不需要本地机器或网络的管理授权。

  • If Congress approves this package, the Fed will have more authority over the agencies.


  • The original draft settlement would have given Google sole authority over "orphan works", or out-of-print books whose copyright holder cannot be found.

    在和解协议初稿中,Google独家享有处理“孤儿作品”(译注:orphan works,孤儿作品是指享有版权但很难、甚至不能找到其版权主体的作品)以及无法找到版权主人的绝版图书的权力。

  • Would you have one in authority over you scream at you and talk down to you?


  • Thank Him for the difficulties in life that have caused you to recognize your spiritual needs, to mourn over sin, and to submit to His authority.


  • We have no authority over you.


  • Would you have one in authority over you scream at you and talk down to you? I wouldn't.


  • PMs drive people and process, and usually have ultimate authority over the success of the project.


  • They also do not have decision-making authority over the use of the land or property on which they once lived or worked through either subsistence or commercial farming.


  • The adverts were among 8, 000 over the past three years that have attracted complaints because of their effects on children, according to analysis from the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority).


  • Here is how a market alternative would work. Each commander would have sole hiring authority over the people in his unit.


  • I have good authority over the jet to modify my heading.


  • China is the first to have continuously exercised authority over Nanhai Zhudao and relevant maritime activities.


  • They have no power over God, and are completely under the authority and rule of the Creator.


  • In this style, leaders have the authority and full control over the followers and group members.


  • For better or worse, over the past 50 years we have concentrated authority in centralized agencies and reduced the role of decentralized citizen action.


  • Describe a time when you had specific accountabilities but did not have direct authority over individuals whose support was necessary. How did you achieve results?

    请描述:当您负责某项具体工作,需要某人支持,但您对他没有直接领导 关系时,您怎样做?