1 词典释义:
cold called
时间: 2025-02-03 01:16:06


  • Cox cold called that Best Buy executive immediately, but didn't get a call back.

    科克斯立刻就给Best Buy管理层打了电话,但没有收到回复。

  • Because of the cold temperatures, the tundra has two layers: top layer, which is called the active layer, is frozen in the winter and spring, but thaws in the summer.


  • There is a combinated beverages called bubble tea, which consists of cold and hot drinks made from cassava balls and tropical juices.


  • Then, this past winter, there was a natural weather shift called the Arctic Oscillation, sort of a cold weather cousin to El Nino.


  • "Little Miss Hot and Cold," her mother called her, long ago having been stung by the abrupt loss of her daughter's ardor.


  • When our ancestors were covered in fur, muscles in their skin called "arrector pili" contracted when they were upset or cold, making their fur stand on end.


  • This implies that the moon is chemically active -- via a process called "cold grain chemistry" -- and also has a water cycle.


  • To protect the whale form the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber.


  • Despite the Cold War, the western was a strong influence on Eastern Bloc cinema, which had its own take on the genre, the so called 'Red western' or Ostern.


  • Due to the fact depression is so common, it has been called the common cold of emotional diseases.


  • Sanzi is a kind of fried food. People called it cold food in the old days.


  • She crossed the square in front of the apartment building she now called home, huddling deeper into her parka, the hood drawn over her face in an attempt to keep the cold at bay.


  • For an inventive, "out-there" product that could make the cold, stiff computer a thing of the past, look no further than this touch screen flexible display called "Impress" (PDF).


  • The newly found "Goldilocks" planet, called Gliese 581 g, lies in between the hot and cold ones.

    最近发现的Gliese 581 g不冷不热,正好位于之前两颗行星之间。

  • The system required to deliver a vaccine is called the “cold chain,” so named for the set of facilities that keep a vaccine cold as it is distributed from the manufacturer to the people who need it.


  • Without this so-called "greenhouse effect," Earth would probably be too cold for life to exist, although a runaway greenhouse effect led to the hellish conditions now seen on Venus.


  • Without this so-called " greenhouse effect, " Earth would probably be too cold for life to exist, although a runaway greenhouse effect led to the hellish conditions now seen on Venus.

    如果没有这种“温室效应”,地球将变得非常寒冷,而不适于生命的存在。 但过度的温室效应导致了现在金星上所见的地狱般的景象。

  • Web marketing companies in general have also been courting local businesses, about 51% of whom say that they're cold-called about online marketing services at least once per week.


  • To detect such a tiny force, the NIST team confined about 60 ultra-cold beryllium ions in a device called a Penning trap, which USES magnetic and electric fields to imprison charged particles.


  • This cold war confrontation point even inspired an eponymous board game called Fulda Gap: The First Battle of the Next War, in which opponents plotted the invasion, and defense, of Western Europe.


  • Such a planet would fall into the so-called "Goldilocks zone" (neither too hot nor too cold) where the interesting chemistry should happen.


  • You probably came across this link because you cold-emailed or cold-called me as a prospective candidate, and I asked you to visit this in lieu of a longer response.

    你可能会看到这个网页,因为你曾经给我发了一个很屌的邮件,或者给我打了一个很屌的电话,告诉我,我很合适某份工作。 我就不回复你了,请你看看这个网页吧。

  • Cold colour: colour containing blue tones. Also called Retreating colour.


  • One cold night the king called Nasreddin to him and said, "If you're able to spend this night in the courtyard with only your shirt on, I will give you one hundred gold COINS!"


  • A Chinese herb called astragalus can boost your immune system and help you fend off infections, from the common cold to swine flu, according companies that sell it.

    据销售黄耆的公司称,这种中草药能够提高人体的免疫力,帮助预防从普通感冒到甲型h1n 1流感在内的各种传染病。

  • A small nugget of cold molecular hydrogen, called a bok globule, is silhouetted against the star cluster.


  • As a teenager in the late 1960s he cold-called his idol, Bill Hewlett, and talked his way into a summer job at Hewlett-Packard.
