He was able to break the Croats serve in the 10th game and was able to then hold serve to win the match 6-3 7-5.
If principles of justice depend on the moral or intrinsic worth of the ends that rights serve, how does society deal with the fact that people hold different ideas and conceptions of what is good?
Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name.
A woman is more likely to hold a seat on a Fortune 500 company board (15%), serve as a member of the clergy (15%) or work as an aerospace engineer (10%) than she is to direct a Hollywood movie (7%).
No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
Likewise, if some one wants to serve you more alcohol, you should quickly empty your glass and hold it towards that person.
A woman is more likely to hold a seat on a Fortune 500 company board (15%) serve as a member of the clergy (15%) or work as an aerospace engineer (10%) than she is to direct a Hollywood movie (7%).
To simplify the example (and to lighten my workload) we've defined instance variables that hold the values of the nodes we intend to serve.
A P2P approach for video streaming would be to hold a copy of a file in different parts of the world and serve it from multiple points to users.
P 2 P架构下流媒体视频是在世界各地的用户那里都放上文件的一个拷贝然后在用户索取的时候通过多点提供给用户。
There is clearly some tension between financial-stability goals and the tenets of competition policy, which hold that oligopolies are inefficient and serve consumers badly.
It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must Revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.
So in Joshua 23:7-8: ; "Do not utter the names of their gods or swear by them; do not serve them or bow down to them, but hold fast to the Lord your God as you have done this day."
Venus' win was a cocktail of solid hold-serve tennis, dangerous shot-making (courtesy of her range and mobility) and the quick rewards of no-ad scoring.
威廉姆斯的取胜与她坚实的发球技术,危险的战法(大范围机动灵活作战)以及快速的no-ad scoring回球分不开。
More women hold jobs and serve in public office.
And, if you put your whole life on hold this will only serve to keep you from those things you still desire, making you feel worse and exacerbating your complaining and worrying.
Do duty or hold off ices; serve in a specific function.
You shall fear the LORD your God. You shall serve him and hold fast to him, and by his name you shall swear.
Octopus and Squid are an underwater "creepy crawler" that holds a special purpose, just as all kingdoms serve earth in some manner and likewise hold a special purpose.
Those who hold themselves out as gods do not seek to serve the God of ALL.
Most of us also hold a novice's enthusiasm to join Taobao heart, even if we wanted to better serve our customers, but after all the credit out there, many buyers will choose high credit.
The metal ion may be the catalytic center of the cofactor, or it may serve to bind the enzyme and substrate together to hold the enzyme in a catalytically active conformation.
Although the scandal pledges to serve for the Japanese enterprise management of the future, some people still hold an optimistic attitude.
Do duty or hold offices; serve in a specific function.
Prosecutor Neil MacBride says the case should serve as a reminder that the damage drawn by leaks is real and justice will hold people to account .