She had become inquisitive; and so she entered into conversation directly with the strange gentleman, on their promenades.
Promenades. Baroque customs spire, one looked very Europeanized. Beautiful.
A series of botanical courts extend along the western water garden echoing the form and proportion of the promenades.
The Jersey shore has some 28 boardwalks and promenades in the 127 miles (204 kilometers) from Sandy Hook to Cape May.
No butts about it: Beginning today, it is illegal to smoke in any of the city’s public parks, beaches, boardwalks and promenades.
At the very heart of Durban is the 'golden mile', a four kilometer stretch of beaches, promenades, swimming pools and restaurants.
Here, the idea was to create a new external skin that is inspired primarily by the flux of the Seine and the promenades along the sides of the river Banks.
Trees have being gradually planted on its boundaries, and for centuries the plain has hosted numerous activities: celebrations, markets, games, funfairs, promenades and various events.
Its exterior surface is in glass and gray titanium: the glass opens the building like a curtain that is drawn aside so that you can see the theatres, promenades and exhibition spaces inside;