Sol's gnomon crosses his own face as he discloses the time of day.
Projects that, in the end, would not happen if Gnomon did not support them.
After a few meetings, Shane joined Gnomon as our new, and current, resident artist.
Gnomon specializes in high-end computer graphics training for the entertainment industries.
Do you have any specific examples how this has helped Gnomon or your own personal experience?
Through the shadow of the gnomon we can read the local true solar time in Xiehe Middle School.
The sun's rays through the oculus, the graduated shadows on the gnomon, this is what makes Saint-Sulpice unique.
From your online activity, as well as hosting The Gnomon Workshop's own forum, do you have examples you can share?
I know that some studios were a little put off by Gnomon getting into production, but the reality is that we are not.
Welcome to the Gnomon Workshop, the industry leader in professional training for artists in the entertainment and design industries.
The gnomon in the middle is perpendicular to the plate, parallel to the earth's axis, and points to the celestial North Pole (near the north Star).
What I do love with forums, however, is contests and challenges which is why I've been running the Gnomon Workshop contests for the past few years.
An equatorial sundial is an ancient scientific equipment to tell time by using the shadow from solar projection. It consists of a sundial plate, a gnomon and a base.
I've spent the bulk of the last fifteen years focused on technology and Gnomon, so when it comes to my aesthetic skill, I feel that I have a lot of catching up to do.
Years earlier Shane had actually accepted the resident artist position at Gnomon, just before receiving a call from Tim Burton to develop his short 9 into a feature film.
一年前Shane实际山接受了Gnomon的驻留艺术家项目,就在他接到Tim Burton的联系让他去制作九个短片在一部电影里。
The key issues for bronze gnomon casting with integrated and clear surface in investment casting in plaster mold involves to prevent large plate from deformation and to ensure full mold filling.
Among these instruments the Simplified instrument, Gnomon, Water-operated Armillary Sphere and Celestial Globe were made after the records from the old Chinese Histories and Guo Shoujing's model.
When we spoke I was very happy to hear that while he was kicking around ideas for a new film, he also had an idea to pitch me for an animated short that Gnomon could produce, entitled Plus Minus.
当我们交谈的时候我非常开心直到他正在为下一个电影构思,他同时也有一个想法提案我做一个动画短片并且由Gnomon制作,题目是Plus Minus。