How can you make a line shorter without erasing any part of it?
The process of erasing a block differs between the two memory types.
"This method focuses on erasing the fear response," Kindt said.
Stock-index futures fell after the report, erasing earlier gains.
We need to note we are not anywhere close to erasing memory in humans.
Enel advertisements for the project show a young girl erasing a plant's smokestack.
Strictly speaking, his invention is not so much self-erasing ink as self-erasing paper.
'r +' indicates that you'll read from and write to (erasing any previous data) the file.
' r + '表示对文件进行读写操作(删除以前的所有数据)。
When it asks about partitioning, don't be concerned about it erasing the PS3 game operating system.
在看到询问分区问题时,不要担心它会删除PS 3游戏操作系统。
Mir has since bulked up to about 265 pounds, erasing any size differences between the two fighters.
It is capable of erasing the magnetic information on a credit card at a distance halfway to the Moon.
Their report on a molecular means of erasing fear memories in rodents appears this week in Science Express.
他们的研究发表在本周《科学》杂志(Science Express)的预印本上,研究报告了擦除啮齿动物恐惧记忆的分子学方法。
Erasing in this manner introduces holes in the type system that limit how we can safely use generic types.
An actor was actually filmed for 12 hours continuously painting or erasing the Numbers as time progressed.
Beyond erasing wrinkles, Botox can now help people who spend more than half their lives in headache agony.
Hippocampal neurogenesis could have both of these roles, in erasing old memories and acquiring new memories.
My book describes one of possible ways of reaching the BEI goal - erasing boundaries between Business and IT.
But dramatic though it was, the dot-com crash did not actually come close to erasing the excesses of the 1990s.
You don't want to have to worry about somebody erasing your whiteboards, or throwing your index CARDS in the garbage.
You may not like the Gates way of doing business with a ruthless knack for erasing competition, but that model worked.
Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world.
If the protein does play a similar role in humans, it could lead to new techniques for either enhancing or erasing memory.
Perhaps the most amazing thing about Vanish is that it's capable of erasing messages posted practically anywhere on the web.
So the fact that I'm erasing it does not mean that the computer erased that memory or over wrote those values with all zeros.
To combat the threat, American psychics were tasked with manipulating the workings of Russian computers and erasing their hard discs.
The planets and the major moons have all been squeezed and heated by gravity and pummeled by giant impacts, erasing much of their history.
In fact, this is what the Internet of Value is all about-erasing the distinction between bartering, money and service exchange in any market.