The white pot is one I made, and the tile, which I love, is from a salvage yard in Glasgow.
The salvage yard is owned and run by Bobby Singer, and sometimes serves as a hideout for the main characters.
打捞物品回收站的所有者和经营者就是Bobby Singer,有时主角会在这里藏身。
The blue and white ones are from a salvage yard mixed with ones I've made, and the stunning floral tiles and the tiles that look like old postcards are from Welbeck tiles - love them.
蓝白相间的是从废旧物品丢弃点找到的,还有一些是我自己做的。那些看起来想明信片一样的印花瓷砖来自Welbeck Tiles,我很喜欢。
In a second commercial, the owner of a new Forester bids farewell to his old one at the automotive equivalent of the elephant graveyard: a salvage yard where Subarus are parked for the last time.