Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems.
Bees are a critical part of the food chain because flowering plants depend on insects for pollination and the honeybee is the most effective.
But it was a critical part of the power supply system.
Globalization is a critical part of RCP software development.
Service certification is a critical part of SOA governance.
Thus, mentoring is a critical part of the Troubleshooter's role.
The most critical part of the story is the organization Obama built.
Clearly, security is a critical part of a secure transaction management service.
Managing security is a critical part of the job for any system administrator.
Now the ability to repay the debt is a critical part of the lending decision.
A critical part of having a good idea is the act of capturing every idea you have.
Performance optimization is a critical part of fast reporting and interactive analysis.
With pigs and poultry, they form a critical part of our enormous biological footprint upon this planet.
At the end of the inception phase, the architecture of the critical part to reverse-engineer should be documented.
Additionally, the forests of the world are a critical part of the weather cycle as well as the carbon-oxygen cycle.
The SPT is a tremendous utility and when used properly, should be a critical part of any System p architect's repertoire.
SPT 是一个非常强大的实用程序,如果运用得当,它将是所有 System p 架构师的必备工具。
This section provides some useful ammunition for treating architecting as a critical part of the software development process.
This situation is becoming graver, because Web applications play a growing and ever-more critical part of most businesses.
Defining and measuring effectiveness - especially the performance of workers - is a critical part of your job as a manager.
This can be achieved by setting a global flag in the handler code and checking for the flag after completion of the critical part.
It is a critical part of the application development process to make sure the incoming data is correct in context and content.
Enterprise asset repositories like Rational asset Manager are a critical part of the software development process in organizations.
类似于Rational Asset Manager的企业资产仓库在组织中是软件开发过程的关键部分。
xVM infrastructure, a critical part of Sun's virtualization portfolio is the company's first venture into hypervisor-based virtualization.
This is a critical part of our layer of goodness on top of Cascading and Haooop that lets us weasel out of dealing with Hadoop input formats.
How you expose and access the information in that database becomes a critical part of your application and how you interact with the information.
After all, getting the most from your systems-even as the demands on those systems constantly change and evolve-is a critical part of your job.
Thus, the configuration of a replica database on which to run queries and extract reports should be a critical part of your database migration efforts.
Progress in the daily lives of the Palestinian people must be a critical part of a road to peace, and Israel must take concrete steps to enable such progress.