However, overall quality is to be favored over size.
While limits must be maintained, the inability to send messages because your system is over size limits - "e-mail jail, " is a source of waste and frustration.
It has the characteristics of high mechanical property, accurate control over size and weight, smooth and firm layer, good corrosion resistance and long service life.
Over time, however, world output has shitted into goods whose worth is unrelated to their size and weight.
Pilots can fly above a war zone and drop thousands of small wireless sensors, the size of a small pebble and costing a dollar apiece, over the terrain.
The exams are taken in bite-size chunks over two years.
《牛津词典》While the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics.
Boreal owls range over a much larger area than do other owls of similar size.
Now that fiscal policy is back on the table, economists are fighting over the size of the ripple effect.
The Shanghai Planetarium is over 38,000 square meters in size.
Each year, people sow seedlings over an area nearly the size of Ireland, according to Nature.
The great white shark is known for its size—the largest sharks can grow to six metres in length and over 2,000 kilograms in weight.
Over the past decades, the capacity, or "size," of hard drives have exploded.
Large project: Has a budget over $500,000, a team size of thirteen or greater, and a duration of more than a year.
If you plot this information on a daily chart (like figure 6), you can see if over time the size and number of messages being delivered locally to this DPAR are changing.
Congressional leaders have been negotiating with the White House over the size of a rescue loan and the source of the funding.
You will certainly notice an element whose size is over 0.5mb (most of the time, over 5mb).
你一定注意到了一个大小超过0.5 MB的项目(更多时候要超过5 MB)。
For example, figure 7 shows the number of mail messages delivered locally on this DPAR by mail size over a several-week period for prime shift.
The ISS weighs roughly 920, 000 pounds (417, 305 kilograms) and spreads out over an area the size of an NFL football field.
This ensures models are easier to maintain as they grow in size and complexity over many iterations.
This image size contains over a million pixels that can each be altered in this way.
该图片大小包含 100 万像素,每个像素都可以使用这种方法改变。
var —short for "variable"—is the repository for files that typically grow in size over time.
var 是“variable”的简写,它是用于存储那些大小通常随时间而增大的文件的存储库。
Web-page transmission size over a slow line speed.
These log files grow in size over time, so you should not leave this setting enabled for long periods or you could consume all available drive space.
The Yale team asserts that its hulking size is an advantage over other quantum computing designs.
In fact, depending on the type of SQL performed by your application, increasing the buffer pool size over a certain limit may not improve performance any further.
This creates a lot of additional IO over the network beyond just the size of each module.
The day before the PROM, I found that dress-in the right size? Draped majestically over the living? Room sofa.
The second advantage that native XML databases have over non-database systems is document size.