Three audio channels prevent interference with other cordless devices.
Electrostatic shielding may be necessary to prevent interference with a desired signal.
The framework code itself will also use one or more other class loaders, again to prevent interference to or from applications.
Bandstop filter is also commonly used in anti-jamming equipment to prevent interference within a frequency band and noise signals.
Beyond that we cannot say more and are obliged to keep our plan to ourselves, to prevent interference from those who would delay it.
Shielding may also be applied to a conductor carrying a high level test voltage to prevent interference with nearby low level circuits.
Administrative subsystems are isolated from each other to prevent interference between the administration of different base nodes. To accomplish this, each administrative subsystem.
Actors performing as Na’vi wore motion-capture suits in the usual way, and their scenes were performed in a warehouse where reflective items were entirely absent, to prevent any interference.
To prevent electrostatic interference, the capacitor is placed in a shielded test fixture.
The electrodes of the cell must be rigidly mounted to prevent vibration and motion from creating noise and pickup. Additionally, shielding the leads to the electrodes helps reduce interference.
If all else fails to prevent rf interference from being introduced into the input, external filtering of the device input paths may be required, as shown in Figure 3-7.
如果所有的措施都不能避免RF干扰进入测试输入端,那么就可能需要在设备的输入通路上进行外部滤波,如图3 - 7所示。
The fundamental method used to prevent electromagnetic noise is obtained through analyzing the birth and transmission of electromagnetic clutter interference and some related cases.
The product can prevent line external electromagnetic interference, but also can prevent the interference between lines.
The grading machines mute by the software Settings, can effectively prevent noise interference.
Aiming at how to prevent periodic interference, more papers have covered LMS adaptive filter, which needs to adjust many parameters and shows instability in pulse type interference.
The key is how to achieve the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.
Shielding usually implies the use of a metallic enclosure to prevent electrostatic interference from affecting a high impedance circuit.
The objective is to prevent local interference in the fair and equitable adjudication of cases and administration of justice.
Using EMI design to prevent electromagnetic radiation interference.
The principal role of synchronization is to prevent undesirable or unanticipated interference between simultaneously executing instruction sequences.
Applicable environment: Provided with favorable electromagnetic compatibility prevent electromagnetic interference occur with function of good thermal diffusivity, reliable performance.