A mixed absorbing boundary condition for FDTD was advanced based on PML and MUR.
The application of PML and MUR absorbing boundary connection in PSTD algorithm was investigated.
分析和研究p ML和MUR两种吸收边界在时域拟谱算法中的应用。
The Murinsel, German for "Mur Island," is an upside down turtle shell in the river Mur in Graz, Austria.
The Murinsel, German for "Mur Island, " is an upside down turtle shell in the river Mur in Graz, Austria.
德语里把“穆尔岛”称为“穆林赛尔”。 穆尔岛位于奥地利格拉茨市的穆尔河河面上,它看起来像一个底朝天的龟壳。
The large building of the Rue Droit-Mur, which had a wing on the Rue Petit-Picpus, turned two facades, at right angles, towards this garden.
To improve the milk and meat production of native buffaloes in Yunnan province, the Mur- ry buffalo were imported in 1974,1997 and 2002 by Guangxi Buffalo Institute.
The area of calculation is built and the Mur absorbing boundary condition is applied at the boundary of calculational area in order to economize the resource of computer greatly.