Father was a strict authoritarian.
《牛津词典》Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Unlike authoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in Asia, are well known for the consultative nature of decision-making—all members of the department or work group are asked to contribute to this process.
He is a strict authoritarian.
My father was a strict authoritarian.
This is often not the authoritarian parent.
It is one response to an authoritarian parenting style.
Stay the authoritarian but always exercise law with mercy.
保持权威状态, 但永远宽容执法。
She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to her clients.
An official or authoritarian declaration; a proclamation or an edict.
She rebuked her lawyer for his authoritarian attitude to his clients.
Mr Erdogan's authoritarian bent and his quarrels with the secular press did not help.
Authoritarian, conservative nationalists govern much of the world, including swaths of eastern Europe.
Victorian parents believed that they kept their dignity by retreating behind an authoritarian attitude.
Well, I was also a lot like this in my personal life, very demanding, very authoritarian, very one-sided.
It isn't uncommon for parents to use spanking as a primary means of punishment in an authoritarian family.
No one explicitly called the current principal an authoritarian busybody, but that was the obvious implication.
In the novel "Wowen in Love", Laurence created a typical example of the authoritarian personality. Gerald Crich.
In the early stage, the middle class sides with an authoritarian regime because they want to maintain social stability.
Of course, there will be instances, though few, when an officer will be required to assume a totally authoritarian posture.
Much of the debate has fallen into the familiar tramlines of a clash between an authoritarian right and a compassionate left.
Integration helps a person make the transition from dependency to self-sufficiency; from authoritarian outer support to authentic inner support.
In one he appeared to like teaching and students and in the other he came across as a much more authoritarian figure who didn't like teach at all.
Those who benefit most from the status quo are naturally the least interested in change, and they find Allies in the fearful and the authoritarian.
Chua's reports from the trenches of authoritarian parenthood are indeed disconcerting, even shocking, in their candid admission of maternal ruthlessness.
- indicatorn. 指示器;显示器;指针;迹象;标志;指示信号;指标;[生物]指示物种;[化]指示剂;<英>转向灯;方向灯
- initiatorn. 发起者;创始人;倡导者;先驱;引爆装置;触发器;引发剂
- locomotoradj. 运动的;移动的;运转的;行走的
- operatorn. 操作员;经营者;精明圆滑的人;善于取巧的人;电话员;接线员;运算符号
- majoradj. 主要的;重要的;重大的;(数量、程度等)大的;较大的;较多的;很严重的;很糟糕的;较严重的;成年的;年长的;[音]大调的;大音阶的;大调音阶的
- projectorn. 投影仪;放映机;幻灯机
- precursorn. 先驱;前驱;先兆;前身;先导;前体(生物学中指某物质生成前的物质);先行者
- sectorn. 部门;(尤指一国经济的)领域;(尤指军事管制的)区域;地段;地带;防区;行业;经济部门;(计算机存储的)扇区
- calculatorn. 计算器;计算者;估算者;核算员
- terrorn. 恐惧;惊恐;惊骇;恐怖;恐怖主义;恐怖行动;引起恐惧的事物或人;讨厌鬼;捣蛋鬼;可怕的人;可怕的情况;极度害怕;巨大的威胁;令人畏惧的现象
- coordinatorn. 协调者;协调人;同等的人或物
- authorn. 作者;编写者;(法律、计划等的)起草者;(思想、理论等的)提出者;(尤指计划或思想的)创造者
- directorn. (电影、戏剧、广告等的)导演;(公司部门的)主任;主管;负责人;(公司、机构的)董事;董事会成员;领导者;管理者;经理;(合唱团、乐队等的)指挥
- jurorn. 陪审员;陪审团成员;宣誓人
- ancestorn. 祖先;先辈;祖宗;原始形态;始祖;动物的原种;原型;机器的原型;前身;源流
- tutorn. 私人教师;家庭教师;辅导教师;指导教师;导师;助教;指导者;监护人;辅导手册;学习指南;课本;
- chancellorn. 大学校长;名誉校长;议长;(德国或奥地利的)总理
- professorn. 教授;(大学)教员;教师;(某领域的)专业人士;宣称者;信仰表白者
- instructorn. (大学)讲师;教师;指导者;导师;教练;训练员
- fervorn. 热忱;热情;热烈;激情;炽热;强烈情感;热心
- imitatorn. 模仿者
- mediatorn. 传递者;中介物;调停者;调解人
- visitorn. 访客;游客;来访者;参观者;观光者;检查员;监察员;暂栖的候鸟;(医院、监狱等的)探视者
- detectorn. 检测器;探测器;侦察器;检测设备;传感器;检测仪;侦测设备
- refrigeratorn. 冰箱;电冰箱;雪柜
- supervisorn. 管理者;主管;指导教师;指导者;辅导员;督导;监督人
- reactorn. 核反应堆;反应容器;反应釜;电抗器;化学反应设备
- translatorn. 翻译者;译员;翻译工作者;翻译程序;翻译设备;翻译机;语言转换器
- tailorn. (缝制男装的)裁缝;制衣工匠
- errorn. 谬误;差错;过失;误解;误差;偏差;纰漏;失误动作(体育比赛中);[计算机]系统错误
- benefactorn. 捐助人;赞助人;施惠者;施主;恩人;资助者;慈善家
- collectorn. 收藏家;收集者;(用于收集物品或数据的)容器(或设备);(艺术品、邮票等的)爱好者;
- educatorn. 教育工作者;教育家;教师;教育学家
- advisorn. 顾问;劝告者
- donorn. 捐赠者;捐助者;赞助人;捐款人;捐赠机构;捐赠国;[医]供血者;献血者;捐精者;供卵者;器官捐献者;[化]供体;施主;[律]赠与人
- incubatorn. 孵化器;孵卵器;(体弱或早产婴儿)恒温箱;培养箱;实验室培养设备
- radiatorn. 水箱;散热器;冷却器;辐射体;辐射源;暖气片;热交换器;供暖装置
- tractorn. 牵引机;拖拉机;(牵引式挂车的)牵引车,拖车头;推土机;履带式车辆;农用机械
- equatorn. 赤道;(天文)天球赤道
- inventorn. 发明家;发明者;创造者;创作者
- proprietorn. 业主;所有者;所有人
- factorn. 因素;要素;系数;因数;凝血因子;基因;乘数;影响因子;变量;条件;倍数
- tremorn. (紧张或恐惧引起的)颤抖;战栗;哆嗦;震颤;小地震;轻微震动
- horrorn. 恐怖;恐惧;恐怖性;惊骇;震惊;震惊性;厌恶;憎恨;令人恐惧的事物;令人厌恶的事物;恐怖故事;恐怖作品;极其不愉快的(或可怕的)经历;极度沮丧;淘气鬼;捣蛋鬼;坏蛋
- detractorn. 诋毁者;恶意批评者;非难者;中伤者;攻击者;贬低者;贬损者
- dictatorn. 独裁者;专政者;暴君;专横的人;发号施令者
- monitorn. 监视器;监控器;显示器;显示屏;(计算机系统中的)监控程序;监护仪;监听器;班长;级长;监督者;巨蜥;浅水重炮舰
- inspectorn. 检查员;调查员;审查员;巡视员;视察员;(英国公共汽车或火车上的)检票员;查票员
- prosecutorn. 检察官;公诉人;起诉人;控方代表;诉讼代理人;控方律师
- conductorn. 导体;(管弦乐队、合唱队等的)指挥;指挥家;乐队指挥;(公共汽车的)售票员;列车长;传导者;(旅游团的)领队
- survivorn. 幸存者;生还者;残存者;最后的胜出者;[法律]继承遗产的人;继承者
- actorn. (影视、戏剧等的)男演员;表演者;行动者;(行动或过程)参与者
- doctorn. 医生;大夫;医师;博士;<主美>兽医;<主美>牙医;顾问;建议者;修正者;修改者;<俚>船上的厨师;(Doctor)(阐明教义的)早期基督教神学家
- investorn. 投资者;投资机构