Sleeping longer than you need to will weaken your sleep system, as you reduce your prior wakefulness, exposure to sunlight, activity levels, and your body temperature at a low for too long.
Significant regional disparities in human resources for health deployment in Senegal weaken the country's health system and compromise population health.
Investors generally believed that the Greece government's attempt to sidewalk IMF's strict agreement would weaken its efforts to stabilize its financial system, so they sold Euros they held.
IBM and Oracle, two industry giants, threw their weight behind the Linux operating system, in part to weaken their rival Microsoft.
Note the wildcard feature does not really weaken the static type system much, because it typically only kicks in with reflection APIs (which would have have required an explicit cast anyways)...
It could weaken your immune system.
When we eat processed, preserved, or devitalized foods, we weaken our immune system and our resistance because these foods have been stripped of necessary nutrients and fiber.
Avoid smoking - this will weaken your immune system.
Fungi associated with beetles, important agents in plant beetle associated fungi system, help beetles attack on trees and weaken resistance of trees.
That's because certain treatments, like chemotherapy, can weaken your immune system and make it harder for your body to fight off the infection.
Effective system of rewarding motivation, full market competition, and security fund for risks will be helpful to weaken this discordant factor from the source.
This method not only ensures speediness and robustness of the control system, but also can effectively weaken chattering.
It is used in many image processing and analysis system to weaken the influence aroused by noise.
That, in turn, could throw the global financial system into disarray, and further weaken America's sickly economy.
Modern medical certificate, the psychological pressure will weaken the immune system, so that the body of illness caused by external pathogenic factors.
Thee panic which is generated by SARS will weaken our immune system, which will make us more susceptible to this dreaded disease.
译文:因SARS而产生的惊慌则会削弱咱们的免疫系统,从而使咱们更简单感染上这种可怕的疾病。 。
Getting too tired all the time may definitely weaken our defense system, making us get sick easily.
Getting too tired all the time may definitely weaken our defense system, making us get sick easily.
Because transplants weaken the immune system, they cannot be performed on sick patients.
Passing on a lack of diverse genes to a child could also weaken their immune system.
System control and organizational climate would weaken the relationship of equity behavior and affect-based trust in leader.
And the majority of the system display as a two-dimensional way with text and pictures, which weaken the user's cognition capability of the entire product display scene.