We don't like to express strong feelings, but just "keep calm and carry on".
Keep calm and carry on!
It is often said that the best response to a terrorist threat is to keep calm and carry on.
Like most people, when it came to the swine flu hysteria, I was very much of the Keep Calm and Carry On school of thought.
Remember, when those questions about where babies come from, try to avoid mentioning gooseberry bushes, and keep calm and carry on!
The head of Britain's Association of Corporate Treasurers advises his members to "keep calm and carry on" under the threat of scarcer and more costly finance.
VISIT any British office, and you stand a good chance of seeing a postcard, mug or other trinket bearing the message “Keep Calm and Carry On”, beneath the crown of King George VI.
VISIT any British office, and you stand a good chance of seeing a postcard, mug or other trinket bearing the message "Keep Calm and Carry On", beneath the crown of King George VI.