While such a sentence might be formally correct, its imbalance jars the listener, and hints at deeper problems.
In theory, the market will correct the imbalance, returning value stocks to their proper price.
How would you like to take that imbalance and correct it?
The effective treatment of pulmonary infection made it easy to correct the acid-base imbalance.
When a person becomes ill practitioners attempt to determine the exact nature of the imbalance and then correct it through the use of herbal remedies, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle changes.
The edible mycotic composite amylase nutritional agent can relieve symptoms, improve the organic immunity function of patients, and correct the imbalance of trace elements.
This change was not made to reduce the power of instant attacks, but to correct the relative imbalance of weapon itemization.
They may be taken therapeutically to correct the imbalance due to the overindulgence in a food excessively "hot" or "cold", or due to age or changed physiological condition.
Increased recruitment of women engineers will help correct the gender imbalance in the profession.