Site maps facilitate deep searches of the site.
Site maps help spiders find their way through all your pages.
How to: Configure Multiple Site Maps and Site-Map Providers.
Provides steps creating site maps that present information in different languages.
Site maps rely on spiders coming to call on your site, but more aggressive methods can land your pages in the search index, too.
You know how to work with site maps, wireframes, and other information design documents for web sites and online advertising.
Site maps shouldn't exceed 100 links, however, so larger site maps must link to category hub pages that themselves link to the remaining pages on the site.
Unless site owners agree to the charges, or do a deal with Google, they will be unable to use Google Maps.
Find out how users navigate your site via heat maps.
The link inside the email maps to a rogue site that collects the information.
Driving directions: the API allows for up to 10,000 driving direction requests a day, and they are the same directions that would be given at their own maps site.
Maps showing the location of Indonesia's H5N1 cases can be found on the WHO Indonesia avian influenza web site.
显示印度尼西亚h5n 1病例地点的地图可在世卫组织印度尼西亚禽流感网站上获取。
I've been getting a lot of questions about my Flood Maps web-site.
One of the first mashups to gain widespread popularity in the press, the Web site mashes crime data from the Chicago Police Department's online database with cartography from Google Maps.
最初广泛流行起来的 mashup 之一是一个 Web 站点,它将芝加哥警局在线数据库中的犯罪记录与 Google Maps 上的地图复合在一起。
I doubt whether anyone reading this article hasn't used Google Maps, but I'll show the site in Figure 1, anyway.
我不太确定这篇文章的读者是否曾经使用过 Google 地图,但不管怎样我还是在 图 1 中展示一下这个站点。
The Google Maps API requires a key specific to one directory of one Web site.
Google Maps API需要一个特定于某个Web站点的某个目录的密钥。
The new information/service-oriented site features both Google Maps and Google Earth applications designed to help users navigate New York.
To begin using the Google Maps APIs, you must first sign up to receive an API key from the Google Code site.
要开始使用Google Maps API,必须先在Google Code站点中注册以获得api密钥。
You can zoom in on the interactive maps to show detailed information, providing great user interactivity with the Web site.
您可以放大这些交互式地图来显示详细信息,这无疑为用户带来了与 Web 站点更好的交互性。
A good example of a mashup is a site that takes rental listings from Craigslist and maps them using Google maps.
Here is a Web site that lets you browse maps and satellite photos of the entire Earth without ever having to refresh the page.
Figure 2 shows an example of this key on the Google Maps Web site and how it fits into your code.
图2展示了Google Maps网站上该密钥的示例,以及它如何适应您的代码。
(FriendFeed also recently started adding maps into the feed whenever geo-data is available, which is very cool but you need to go to the site to see it-another reason not to go the IM route).
The site also has world maps that show the levels of availability of safe drinking water from country to country. Users can compare information from 1970 and 2002.
The site includes a guided insider's tour of the hotel, maps and city guides for each location and engages visitors through a series of original, branded games that bring the Aloft experience to life.
How do you tell the number of consumed map page views in Google maps for your site?
Meanwhile, volunteers will distribute free maps at entrances of the Expo site. The maps are also available at 56 visitors' service spots inside the site.