It's a social media site and you can vote stories up or down.
Designmoo is a new social media site for designers and developers.
Finally, a brand's official site pops up when folks search for it on social media sites.
Put your social media site membership to good use and participate in the community and in forums.
On China's social media site Weibo, thousands of people have Shared and commented on the news.
As the usage of social media sites is increasing exponentially every year, you should be promoting your site there.
If you've enjoyed reading this article please subscribe to my "RSS Feed" or submit this page to your favorite social media site.
Adding to Reddit: Reddit is another great social media site for sharing and voting on articles. It's quick and easy to submit a link.
添加到Reddit: Reddit是另一个很棒的社会化媒体网站来分享和对文章评分,提交链接非常简单。
Another example of how product design decisions can bring the core of a Web application to life comes from the social media site, Digg.
I just found a new social media site targeting moms for Samsung, specifically for the company's extensive line of washers and dryers.
Not all parents buy in; Matthew Thomson, 38, an executive at Klout, a social media site, has tried such software for Finn, his 5-year-old.
但并不是所有的家长都买账,38岁的Matthew Thomson说,Matthew是社交媒体网站Klout的一位管理人员,他尝试过让5岁的儿子Finn使用这种软件。
While it’s not easy to get popular on a social media site, understand that this is a good way to get your brand out there to new readers.
"I ran my first marathon today," a runner wrote on social media site Weibo. "the air was so polluted that my nose turned black after the run."
If you see someone submit or share a release you've sent out on a social media site, reach out and thank them, answer any questions and show interest.
Author Zoe Strimpel says the social media site bombards singletons with pictures of "perfect" weddings and babies which causes envy and voyeurism.
Author Zoe Strimpel says the social media site bombards singletons with pictures of 'perfect' weddings and babies which causes envy and voyeurism.
Of course, when I say "Facebook," I really mean every social media site you've hitched to your digital identity: Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, etc.
Every social media site has their own social bookmarking button like facebook share button, Twitter buttons, Stumble Upon button etc with awesome designs.
每个社交媒体网站都有自己设计精良的社会化书签分享按钮,比如facebook分享按钮,Twitter按钮,Stumble Upon按钮等等。
Yuki, however, is not the only person to resemble a famous Chinese person and similar photographs also resurfaced on Chinese social media site Weibo.
Limit your "friends" or "connections" or whatever they're called on your favorite social media site to people who share at least some of the same interests as you.
"It has a back story that focuses on exploration, imagination and discovery," says Arpajian, 37. "It's a social media site that borrows a lot from classic game mechanics."
Roger Sherman's tweet got a huge response on the social media site, with many users responding that 'not all heroes wear capes' and appreciating the work Eric and his team are carrying out.
The Telegraph, a UK based news site employs social media experts.
Chester Zoo's Act for wildlife site hopes social media, video and blogs will increase gadget-obsessed youngsters' interest in wildlife.
But how much do you know about integrating social media, specifically Digg, into your site, and what the benefits of doing so can bring to publishers?