Suda reflects a worrisome trendin Japan; the automobile is losing its emotional appeal, particularly among the young, who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic devices.
Suda 反映了日本令人担忧的趋势:汽车正在失去它的情感吸引力,尤其对于那些喜欢把钱花在最新的电子设备上的年轻人。
Suda reflects a worrisome trend in Japan; the automobile is losing its emotional appeal, particularly among the young, who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic devices.
They made an emotional appeal for help.
《牛津词典》The child's mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return.
《牛津词典》In fact, it is a kind of emotional appeal.
Another factor is the emotional appeal of the case.
In your opinion how important is "emotional appeal"?
For many, the death penalty holds a deep emotional appeal.
Kraft Foods - scores in emotional appeal and workplace environment.
卡夫食品Kraft Foods -表现最佳的指标包括:情感诉求和工作环境。
If you have a problem, an emotional appeal will count against you.
The emotional appeal was buttressed with solid and specific policy details.
For you created noble flavor and romantic emotional appeal ideal bedroom space.
General Mills - scores in social responsibility, emotional appeal, workplace environment.
通用磨坊general Mills -表现最佳的指标包括:企业社会责任,情感诉求和工作环境。
That way of life, so emotional appeal, warm, elegant and do not break poise , let a person envy.
So GM has worked hard to improve the quality as well as the emotional appeal of its cars and trucks.
Hertlein said married women may be more likely to pursue affairs online because of the medium's emotional appeal.
Feminine flavour is a kind of state, is a kind of emotional appeal, is a kind of elegant attitude towards life.
This is a Patek Philippe ads classic phrase, they want to convey are "inheriting" the eternal emotional appeal.
Can be baked with cup, paper printing mark cup, ads mugs, couples double-color cup, personal emotional appeal cup.
When autumn comes, in order to change interior atmosphere, can besmear on water, such as an emotional appeal paint.
Build contemporary and contracted style that occupy the home new fashion, feel comfortable, natural life emotional appeal and grade.
The"hard sell"(rational appeal)and the"soft sell"(emotional appeal)are two basic representational means in the advertising discourse.
Critical to show in my painting is more emotional appeal; it is the individual's life experience, but also hidden pulse of life groups.
Second, subjective emotional appeal cannot deeply realize the beauty of artistic conception before it has a sufficient humane attainment.
His mother Una put out an emotional appeal on Facebook for the bike, which was the last gift James received from his father, to be returned.
Let my heart is a flower, bloom in your sky, add a little sweet emotional appeal for your birthday, add a beautiful color for your happiness.
We realised that Tip Top was awash with all the emotional appeal and child-like fun that its competitors lacked, despite their strong visual branding.
You will fully forget any fatigue to stay in the hotel for business negotiation or leisure holiday and can enjoy the small endowment emotional appeal.
Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or emotional appeal.
"Men and women should get a" absolute "heart of emotional appeal, not die-hard, considerate and echo, tease her playing, rather than" fight "her breath."