How can you tell whether a mental health issue is normal or not?
"Mental health issues in a broad sense certainly remain a primary issue, " Glass says.
The mental health issue that brutal reality has laid middle and primary school is placed before whole society.
“Suicide is a public mental health issue, ” Brownson said. “We need to focus on prevention, building resilience in students and creating communities.”
"Suicide is a public mental health issue," Brownson said. "We need to focus on prevention, building resilience in students and creating communities." By Alex Johnson of msnbc. com.
But his confession has highlighted a conundrum for judges; they must be seen to be in control while also being seen to deal with the vital public policy issue of their own mental health.
What the past few months have shown is that the issue of mental health in professional football will stay with us for a long time to come.
ELENA BERGER: "It's an enormous issue." The World health Organization is highlighting mental health as a neglected issue.
Faigin, along with Bowling Green professor of clinical psychology Catherine Stein, co-authored a review of theater as mental health therapy in a recent issue of of Psychiatric Services.
费金和博林·格林的临床心理学教授凯瑟琳·斯坦在最近的一期《精神科服务》(Psychiatric Services)杂志上共同发表了一篇关于将戏剧用于心理康复治疗的评论。
It is now recognized as a true mental health problem and is being seen more as a psychological problem and less as a moral issue.
The mental health standard is a very important theoretic issue in mental health field.
ELENA BERGER: "It's an enormous issue. The World Health Organization is highlighting mental health as a neglected issue."
In recent years, College Students' mental health has become unavoidable issue.
American legislators are weighing the so-called parity issue-the argument that mental treatments deserve the same coverage in health-insurance plans as any other sort of drug.
In front of the fierce competition of the 21st century, physical and mental health of university students has become a heated issue and also a fundamental curriculum for college education.
What is an issue is the need for people to take their mental health seriously by seeking psychological attention when necessary.
An Australian study shows that while 90% of respondents believe mental health is a significant issue in Australia, Australians do not have a clear understanding of mental illness2.