1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-01-05 17:27:01


  • The former governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is from Lingayen.


  • The output file, eg1.rng, is a RELAX ng file.

    输出文件eg1 . rng是RELAX ng文件。

  • Lytro's founder and chief executive is Ren Ng, 31.

    Lytro的创始人和首席执行官是Ren Ng,现年31岁。

  • You can use any RELAX NG processor to check it.

    可以使用任何RELAX NG处理器对它进行检查。

  • If you wish to learn RELAX NG, read this tutorial.

    如果您希望了解RELAX NG,请阅读这篇教程。

  • Simon Yam and Sandra Ng both gave stunning performances!


  • Listing 3 shows the schema in RELAX ng Compact notation.

    清单3展示了RELAX NG Compact符号中的模式。

  • Mr Ng nods and producesseveral coins, which he proceeds to shake.


  • A formal language schema, expressed in RELAX ng compact syntax.

    一个规范的语言方案,以RELAX NG压缩语法表达。

  • The util-linux-ng package includes Linux fdisk, sfdisk, and cfdisk.

    ut il - linux - ng包含有linux fdisk、sfdisk和cfdisk。

  • Validity against the RELAX NG Schema (which can be optionally disabled)

    基于 RELAX NG 模式的有效性(可以选择禁用该选项)。

  • "It lets people shoot first and think later," says company founder Ren Ng.


  • The best-known alternative is RELAX ng, which the ISO is standardizing.

    最有名的替代品是RELAX NG, IS o正对其进行标准化。

  • XMLReader supports namespaces and validation, including DTD and Relaxed ng.

    XMLReader支持名称空间和验证,包括DTD和Relaxed NG。

  • You cannot verify any of these constraints in pure RELAX NG code, either.

    用纯粹的RELAX NG代码也不能验证这些约束。

  • Listing 9 shows a basic RELAX ng schema for the XML directory listing file.

    清单9显示了XML目录列表文件的基本RELAX NG模式。

  • The RELAX NG support in 4suite is based on xvif, also by Eric van der Vlist.

    4suite中的RELAX NG支持基于xvif,该工具也是由Eric van der Vlist创建的。

  • This ray tracing, as Dr Ng calls it, derives directly from computer graphics.


  • Future releases may support other values for Relax ng or other schema languages.

    将来的发行版可能会支持表示Relax NG或其它模式语言的其它值。

  • RELAX NG information site: Find links and information about ISO/IEC 19757-2:2008.

    RELAX NG 信息站点:找到关于 ISO/IEC 19757-2:2008 的链接和信息。

  • WXS offers no way to express such constraints, and RELAX NG offers limited capability.

    WXS 没有提供此类约束,而 RELAX NG 提供的功能非常有限。

  • The tiny proton is highly electronegative, and it bonds covalently to Ng in these molecules.


  • Listing 1 is a RELAX ng schema (compact syntax) snippet that includes informal annotations.

    清单1中的RELAX NG模式(紧凑语法)片段包含有非正式的注释。

  • As a final step, the validator looks at each XForms island and validates it using RELAX ng.

    最后一步,验证程序要分析每个X forms岛,并使用RELAX NG验证它。

  • Earlier, I mentioned my disappointment with the lack of an official RELAX NG schema set for UBL 1.0.

    此前曾经提到过,我对 UBL 1.0 缺少正式的 RELAX NG 模式感到失望。

  • Through util-linux-ng 2.17, fdisk does not offer any direct support for 8-sector alignment of partitions.

    通过ut il - linux - ng 2.17, fdisk对分区的8扇区对齐不提供任何直接支持。

  • RNGzip uses a Relax NG schema validator to build a deterministic tree automaton from the specified schema.

    RNGzip 使用 Relax NG 模式验证程序从指定的模式构建确定性树自动机。