It was the first time I had set foot on American soil.
《牛津词典》It originated on American soil.
《新英汉大辞典》En route to Seattle, American soil.
And I expect most probably on American soil.
But the worst attack on American soil serves to galvanize the nation.
The media whirlwind began as soon as he stepped back on American soil.
We are less than eight years removed from the deadliest attack on American soil in our history.
He added: "It is horrifying that they should come under fire at an army base on American soil."
Invasions are not supposed to happen on American soil, and as such must inspire a certain gut reaction in the player.
The SCS model, designed by American soil Conservation Service, is used. to compute flood discharge in small basins.
SCS 模型是美国水土保持局研制,用于小流域洪水计算的水文模型。
Senator Rand Paul has concerned about the operation of drones in the potential for drones to target US citizens on American soil.
The number of minority farmers working American soil is growing, and fast. The report also suggests that U. S. farms are getting smaller.
In Europe and Asia, specific soil organisms help keep the plant from becoming an invasive weed, but these microbes aren't found in North American soil.
Not only would he round them all up; he would also round up and expel their children who were born on American soil and are therefore American citizens.
Convinced that making the film on American soil would be too risky, Stone decided to film in Germany, where Borman was able to score some tax subsidies.
The immediate threat demonstrated by the deadliest attack sever launched upon American soil demanded strong and durable approaches to defend our homeland.
It was the deadliest bomb attack on American soil for seven years, until the Bath School disaster. 33 were killed and 400 persons were injured by the blast.
Instead, it's a nod to the appearance of the bar's long-bearded owner, who bears a resemblance to the mastermind of the devastating 2001 attacks on American soil.
Not only will we seek to live up to our ideals on American soil, we will pursue greater respect for human rights as we engage other nations and people around the world.
Biden told CBS television's "Face the Nation" program that he does not expect the detainees to remain on American soil even if their home countries refuse to accept them.
Actual instances of "birth tourism," where moms expressly came here to deliver babies on American soil, accounted for about two-tenths of 1 percent of all births in 2006.
The enemies of Barack Obama's health-reform plans have no more potent weapon, it seems, than to accuse him of seeking to replicate Britain's dreaded National Health Service on American soil.
医改计划的反对者们似乎也没啥特别的应敌之策,唯一的杀手锏就是指责奥巴马试图在美国复制可怕的英国国民医疗服务制度(National Health Service ,以下简称NHS)。
U.S. officials have repeatedly insisted that the deal involves using Colombian bases and will not lead to the building of U.S. facilities on South American soil, as some critics of the plans fear.
When he was three months old, we returned to the United States. We stepped foot on American soil exactly one year from the day that we left. The time had come for me to support my new family.
The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》From the awe-inspiring Grand Canyon to the American masterpiece that is Mount Rushmore, these are the sites that stamp our country’s soil with history, intrigue and legacy.
The American plains, too, would accumulate carbon in their soil if grazing stopped.
That same year, fresh American bootprints will be made on the lunar soil--the first since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.