In total, the roly-poly robbers tried to escape with 4 pairs of boots, 3 pairs of jeans, a wallet and gloves, police said.
It was good for a small car, but the handling felt a bit roly-poly and the steering was a bit too vague.
EVERYONE knows Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. So letters sent to the roly-poly icon find their way to the small town of North Pole in Alaska, including those simply addressed to Santa.
Whenever I fall, I will be brave to climb up, because then I would think of roly-poly and grandfather had what I have said.
Where once he looked roly-poly, he suddenly appeared in public with a normal build.
Grandpa left, yet the roly-poly left me.
Grandpa left, yet the roly-poly left me. Yes ah, ah tumbler is so strong, each fall can bravely stand up.
Family gatherings often end with sticky toffee pudding or jam roly-poly . At holiday get-togethers, Christmas pudding and fruitcake are served with afternoon tea.