Their halberd staves were covered with crimson velvet, fastened with gilt nails, and ornamented with gold tassels.
They were richly gilt, and their lofty prows and sterns were elaborately carved.
There are four gilt wood torchieres flanking the fireplaces.
What are your favorite Gilt purchases?
Read more about Gilt boss Susan Lyne here.
A failed gilt auction, in particular, could send sterling tumbling.
Gilt recently launched a site in Japan that has over 200,000 members.
Gilt recently launched a site in Japan that has over 200, 000 members.
In Britain, gilt yields have fallen to their lowest level since the Victorian era.
You have the permission to experiment on Gilt in a way that develops brand loyalty.
Mobile shopping is particularly appropriate for customers of flash sale sites like Gilt.
And because new sales are launched daily, many customers develop a routine around Gilt.
Gilt wants to become a platform for all sorts of social commerce, says Susan Lyne, its boss.
Their tails when they spread them to the sun are like disks of ivory and like gilt disks.
Mr Islam reckons overseas investors have been buying around 30% of recent gilt issuance.
The day a particular label is on Gilt, traffic to that brand's site increases, across the board.
The British inflation-linked gilt that is due to mature in 2016 trades on a negative real yield.
Last fall, you launched a number of subsections such as Gilt Man, and Jetsetter for travel deals.
去年秋天,你们推出了数款旅行套装,如Gilt Man, and Jetsetter。
How have you gotten brands to think of Gilt as more than just a place to off-load excess inventory?
Banks charge a fee for this service-about one hundredth of one percent of the face value of the gilt issued.
The best known is Gilt Groupe, which emulates the sample sales of luxury retailers in New York, where it is based.
其中最有名的是来自纽约的Gilt Groupe,它效仿奢侈品零售商,在纽约进行样品销售。
I watched one man loading a groaning cart with gilt edged paper goblets and plates, clearly preparing for a fete.
The yield on he 10-year gilt jumped to 3.62% from about 3.58% on Wednesday even as yields on other government bonds fell.
The smaller one was so ornate with gilt and wood marquetry that it had to be covered again with burlap to save it from the damp.
Gilt Groupe is straying into the territory of another clutch of city-based e-commerce sites, which facilitate collective buying.
Gilt Groupe现已转向另一类以城市为主的电子商务网站,这类网站为集体性购买提供便利。
I like the atmosphere best at a live pop concert, and merely listening to a recording at home takes the gilt off the gingerbread.
Our room was large and warm, with a Bechstein grand and a theatrical gilt mirror that hung at an ominous 45-degree angle over the bed.
That is vital; if gilt yields were to rise sharply it could lead to a vicious circle of rising debt-servicing costs and higher debt.
Big spenders may be invited to Gilt Noir, with access to previews, special events and sales, and a concierge-like customer service number.
大主顾还能获邀成为Gilt Noir高端会员,有权利提前预览当日竞拍的商品,还会受邀参加特别活动和促销活动,以及有权拨打一个管家式的客服电话。