They've found 11 new species of sharks, rays and chimaeras in the last three years.
Chimaeras display some unusual features not seen in other living animals, Long said.
They've found 11 new species of sharks , rays and chimaeras in the last three years.
It seemed to her, at intervals, that she was entering the land of chimaeras; she said to herself: "is this reality?"
The shark-like animal belongs to the mysterious and little-studied chimaeras, perhaps the oldest group of fish alive today.
这种鲨鱼状的动物属于神秘的银蛟类。 银蛟可能是现存最古老的鱼类之一,人类对它的研究少之又少。
Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and chimaeras) account for only 2% of gnathostome species, the Osteichthyes accounting for the other 98%.
A technique known as microspectrophotometry had previously shown that rays and chimaeras, both close relatives of sharks, have color vision.
Until recent years, chimaeras hadn't received much study, so people treated the similar-looking creatures found in different spots across the world as the same species.
A lot of skates and rays and the chimaeras are not as charismatic as white sharks or whale sharks or a manta ray, but these things are probably taken in far greater numbers in terms of by-catch.