We accept neither payment by installment nor deferred payment.
With an eye to future business, we'll accept payment by installment this time .
A widely used promotion method by local retailers is therefore to provide interest-free payment by installment.
We have mainly adopt some usual international practices. we have adopt, for example, payment by installment.
The academic community has different stand - points on the time of ownership transfer in sale by installment payment.
Our decoration company offers totally new service: Payment for decorating new houses can Be made By (in) the installment plan.
Since rights under lie the benefits balancing in lawful regulating, this dissertation gives an emphatic analysis and illustraction on the buy's basic rights in sale by installment payment.
To liquidate(a debt, such as a mortgage) by installment payments or payment into a sinking . fund.
分期偿还,分期付款用分期付款和 。偿债基金。 的形式偿清(债务,如…
The problem about the protection of the buyer's benefits in sale by installment payment is a subject worthy of deep and inclusive research.
A sale by installment payment is one of the special sales.
Now they bought a dwelling by installment and her father pay for the first initial payment for them, so happy couple, right?