Taking a step that many professors may view as a bit counterproductive, some colleges and universities are doling out Apple iPhones and Internet-capable iPods to their students.
一些高校正在向学生发放苹果的 iPhone 和可上网的 iPod,这一举措可能会让很多教授觉得有点适得其反。
Managing a team means more than just doling out work.
Adjusting fiscal policy does not mean simply doling out more stimulus.
So some companies are rewriting the rules for doling out financial incentives.
Most spokespeople are experts at doling out cut and dried answers to reporters' questions.
It is a common tale of office romance in which the doling out of prizes goes according to harsher rules.
The close proximity of the guy doling out the money and the people who stand to get it makes some people nervous.
"Finally, a question about something important," Hawking reportedly responded, before doling out some serious wisdom.
Finally, a question about something important, "Hawking reportedly responded, before doling out some serious wisdom."
There can be a positive aspect to this dis-ease is often overlooked by those doling out drugs to suppress its symptoms.
You must strive to get the most important projects completed properly, rather than doling everything in a half baked way.
Hard-pressed parents should not think they are the only ones doling out money to their children: taxpayers foot a hefty bill too.
Hard-pressed parents should not think they are the only ones doling out money to their children: taxpayers foot a hefty bill3 too.
Macy's (m) decked out its department stores with codes that brought up videos of Tommy Hilfiger and Martha Stewart doling out fashion advice.
梅西百货公司(Macy ' s)则将汤米·希尔费格和玛莎·斯图尔特提供时尚建议的视频做成代码,装饰整间百货公司。
The most immediate explanation is the economic downturn: bosses are doling out ever fancier titles as a substitute for pay raises and bonuses.
Even with Coach K carefully doling out playing time, perhaps the grind of playing five games in six days created more emotional than physical fatigue.
Congress spends too much time doling out earmarks, argues Jeff Flake, a Republican representative from Arizona, and not enough on the rest of the budget.
亚利桑那州共和党代表Jeff Flake称,国会花费了太多时间算计这些特别专款,而在其他预算案上花的时间不够。
This is "quantitative easing": doling out Bank of England cash in vast quantities at negligible interest rates to boost lending and spending on an epic scale.
Your boss may be a nervous Nellie and may stop doling out assignments, so find work for yourself: Take on a new project or make another visible contribution.
Schumpeter recently noted, not entirely happily, that many for-profit firms are already following another of her tips by doling out titles liberally and creatively.
When he used his allowance to pay for lessons his father stopped doling it out - but reinstated it after discovering his son was playing in a dance and to earn money.
And the terms of the contracts are still unknown; firms cannot start doling out cash on the strength of them.Ministers have yet to say how cost overruns will be met, for one thing.
Doling well the cashing work possesses important significance on doing well the accounting calculation, strengthening the financial management and guaranteeing the security and completeness.
The thesis first analyzes a case how SFDA in China doling with the affair that medical institution sold counterfeit drugs, and the analysis lead to the study of the whole administration system.
dole out
on the dole