Enzymatic kinetics analysis indicated that the inhibition is noncompetitive.
The enzyme-substrate kinetic analysis indicated that it was the noncompetitive inhibition.
The noncompetitive inhibition of EGb on tyrosinase was determined with L-Tryosine substrate.
And to put it in a way that would make the noncompetitive Finns cringe, they kicked major but.
Growth has been buoyed by increased Russian demand for generally noncompetitive Belarusian goods.
A noncompetitive antagonist prevents the agonist from producing any effect at a given receptor site.
The noncompetitive inhibition of taurine on tyrosinase was determined with L - Tyrosine as substrate.
用l -酪氨酸作底物,测定了牛磺酸对酪氨酸酶的非竞争性抑制。
A noncompetitive antagonist prevents the agonist from producing any effect at a given receptor site...
Raising the bid to account for the level of uncertainty in the estimates will probably make the proposal noncompetitive.
Purpose:To study the effects of excitatory amino acids receptor noncompetitive antagonist-dextromethorphan(DM)on the traumatic brain edema.
Kinetic studies of AG114 inhibition on recombinant human CK2 showed that the inhibition was mixed competitive with GTP and noncompetitive with casein.
Subsidies have similar effects, depressing world prices and inhibiting entry by inducing surplus production by noncompetitive, and often large producers.
Kinetic studies of AG1112 on recombinant human CK2 showed that the inhibition was mixed (competitive is dominant) with GTP and noncompetitive with casein.
AG 1112对重组人ck2的动力学研究表明:它与GTP和酪蛋白分别呈混合性和非竞争性抑制作用。
This research examined how success and failure outcome under competitive and noncompetitive reward structures influenced childrens achievement attributions in terms of genders.
QU exhibited competitive inhibition of CYP3A2 dextromethorphan N-demethylation reaction and expressed noncompetitive inhibition of CYP2E1 chlorzoxazone-6-hydroxylation reaction.
槲皮素竞争性抑制CYP3A 2右美沙芬N脱甲基反应,非竞争性抑制CYP2E1氯唑沙宗6羟化反应。
The effects of final demand and its induced industries on total output growth are compared and analyzed based on noncompetitive inputoutput data over 1955—2011 of Japan and over 1987—2012 of China.