After graduation, many go on to work as professional actors on stage or in the movies.
Unknown or un professional actors.
Become professional actors or actresses.
But he refused those professional actors.
This made us to become more and more familiar with each other, while these non-professional actors were more and more confidence on the show.
AW: For this installation, I operated in a different mode, because these are not professional actors, they are farmers, so it was more of a collaborative project.
We borrowed a local school's rehearsal hall, and gathered the non-professional actors there. We watched film videos together, and conducted acting training, such as rehearsing sketches.
These members of the background is also very different things: a professional athlete, a company boss, actors and lawyer, another former seals were active players, a broadsheet war reporter, etc.
Ray Nakazato: All the voice-overs in Lost Odyssey are performed by professional voice actors. We recorded all English voices in Los Angeles.
Whereas drama education towards professional training for actors, playwrights, directors in which the goal is drama.
Until fairly recently, only actors, body builders and swimmers fessed up to removing hair, and that was for professional reasons.
There are actors, models, although all her childhood dreams of the ideal professional, but she also missed, film and stage actor who's on those models, who better than her height of this high.
Most of my clients are not professional models or actors. It is my job to make them feel comfortable in front of my camera.
All of the actors and workers are also very professional, thank you very much for taking care of Jay!
The professional voice actors use unique character voices and expression in their narration, which is sure to attract children and lead them into the wonderful EnglishMstory environment.
Now none of the drama actors makes as much effort as the previous actors who have received regular professional training.
There are no statistics on the number of non-Chinese actors working in China, but the professional person believed the number has risen 20% to 30% a year over the last decade.
尽管在华的外国演员数量还无法统计,但据专业人士估算,最近10年外籍演员的数量至少增加了20% - 30%。