And the breaking point is given there in the third column, and we call that the ultimate tensile strength.
To measure tensile strength and breaking elongation of single yard.
Increase in the amount of MTES increases the tensile strength and decreases the ratio of elongation for breaking of the materials.
In this paper, the problem of consistency is investigated for the specific breaking strength of cotton measured on different tensile testers.
Hardness, tensile strength, breaking elongation ratio and aging property of samples were tested and surface of sample after aging was represented by SEM.
In this paper, the relation of tensile strength, tensile modulus and breaking elongation of unsaturated polyester casting matrix cured at room temperature to curing degree was discussed.
The results showed that tensile strength, tensile yield stress and tensile breaking stress were increased with the increase of bore distance;
Used for measure tensile strength and breaking elongation of single yarn and print statistic results.
The tensile strength and initial modulus were remarkably decreased and the breaking elongation and flexibility of grafted fiber were increased.
The results show that the tensile strength, breaking elongation, impact strength and MFR of nylon 6 increase simultaneously after some PAMAM were added. The optimum increment is 1.0%.