When someone in another car cuts you off on the highway, your reflexive thought may be, That jerk! He could have hit me! I can't let him get away with that! The more you stew, the angrier you get.
Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk or if you are acting like one!
Harry's broom had given a wild jerk and Harry swung off it. He was now dangling from it, holding on with only one hand.
The Saudi response to the recent knee-jerk buoyancy of oil futures was to hold prices and hope to work off brim-full inventories.
Taking your shirt off and throwing up the 'metal horns' doesn't make you a better guitarist. It makes you a jerk.
The ham broke off the plate with a jerk, and rolled under the table.
Brian: Then handle it , kiss it , jerk it off. Just don't fall in love with it .
When he starts off, he's kind of a jerk. Once he gets this piece of Superman in him, it will change who he is.
当孔克南的冒险刚开始的时候,他还是有几分痞气的青年,但是随着他不断的搜集超人的力量, 这位青年也将不断成长。