In Libya the end game has to be a negotiated settlement.
Nor has there been a long, hard effort to find a negotiated settlement.
But there also are some efforts toward reaching a negotiated settlement.
Livni has preferred to push for a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.
That's the lesson of Sudan, where a negotiated settlement led to an independent state.
China stands for negotiated settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue.
The path to negotiated settlement proved to be the widely supported option for the peninsular issue.
The prospect of a negotiated settlement still seems distant despite Monday's tentative progress.
尽管 周一有了些许进展,但通过谈判解决争端的前景似乎仍十分渺茫。
Indeed, there are big obstacles in the way of serious talks-let alone of a negotiated settlement.
Their first choice was Senator Robert Kennedy, who had been pressing for a negotiated settlement in Vietnam.
Quite possibly it has shattered prospects for a negotiated settlement to Afghanistan's long-running internal conflict.
Yet it is all too common that most negotiators fail to understand that this term represents our achieving a win-win negotiated settlement.
At present, the treatments including negotiated settlement, administrative mediation, civil litigation, have both goodness and shortcoming.
We express the hope that a climate conducive to a negotiated settlement will be created soon so that there may no longer be the need for the armed struggle.
Neither enclave has properly consulted its people, including huge Numbers of Georgian refugees. Nor has there been a long, hard effort to find a negotiated settlement.
Ahead of its release a senior Boeing official rejected Suggestions that the ruling should be tied to the Airbus case, offering the way for a negotiated settlement between the two parties.
Having a strong BATNA will let you know whether or not to accept a negotiated settlement because you will already know whether it is possible to obtain a better outcome by alternative means.
This is a good example of the constructive efforts made by the States concerned to enhance cooperation and create conditions for a negotiated settlement of the disputes in the South China Sea.
The settlement issue is one of the core issues that are being negotiated as we speak here.
He signed up with a debt settlement company named Hope Financial, which negotiated deals with his creditors to settle for about 35 percent of his balance.
他和一家名叫Hope Financial的债务清算公司签了协议,这个公司和Alikcioglu的债权人谈判,以偿还35%的欠款清算掉信用卡。
All the final settlement issues would still be there to be negotiated bilaterally.
The wording is slightly different in all the indentures, but in general, we've settled eight or nine cases; companies sort of agreed and we negotiated a settlement.
And there can be a Catch-22: those with the fewest assets are the likeliest to receive a settlement offer, but they are also the least able to come up with the cash for that final negotiated payment.
In a trial rife with controversy, Chin noted that it was pointless to hold a hearing on a settlement when key points were still being negotiated with the Department of Justice.
They are also paying his mortgage until a permanent settlement is negotiated.
The two leaders negotiated a settlement of the dispute.