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My option change will be: 100% AUS Bank Deposit Fund.
Info: Provides when the AUS evaluation and refresh are performed.
Good English skills, available to do first hand exchange with AUS engine.
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DB2 Enterprise requires a minimum of 25 AUs per 100 PVUs for the underlying server.
对于基础服务器来说,DB 2 Enterprise需要每100 p VU至少25个AU。
Everyone said the Chinese food in Aus is absolutely good and genuine . Let's see the buildings!
The OAT Help Option for AUS provides the detailed description of all the AUS configuration parameters.
AUS的OAT Help选项提供对所有AUS配置参数的详细描述。
The 'AUS Cheer' Cheerleaders love performing in front of crowds and bringing happiness to the audience.
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He then returned to London for Mozart's Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden in May.
When Elenin was 14 AUs away on June 14, 2007, Nasa photographed the comet when they took the infrared image for google sky.
The screen shows the databases and the tables requiring refresh of the statistics based on the previous evaluation done by AUS.
Eg: It is universally acknowledged that the eternal theme of Jane Aus ten's novels is the choice people make for marriage partners.
We can deliver a uniquely Aus incentive programme but yet can also cater to the cosmopolitan tastes and needs of the modern traveller.
Finally, when licensing a warm DB2 Express standby server, you license it for 5 AUs if the hot production server is also using the AU licensing model.
最后,当为一个warm DB 2 Express备份服务器购买许可时,如果热生产服务器也使用AU许可模式,则仍需为它购买5个AU。
Of course, if you had 150 users, then you would need to license the server beyond the minimum count to the actual number of USES; in this case 150 AUs.
The Auto Update Statistics (AUS) component of OAT is used to simplify the work of the DBA by running the update statistics command based on specific policies.
OAT 的 Auto Update Statistics (AUS) 组件根据特定的策略运行统计数据更新命令,从而简化 DBA 的工作。
Assessment units (AUs)—mappable volumes of rock with common geologic traits—were identified within each province and quantitatively assessed for petroleum potential.
每一个地质区域包含厚于3千米的地层。 评估单元——可测绘的普通地理特征岩量——被分区测试,按质量评估油气潜力。