He often beat and scold for no reason, Jane eyre, but her aunt not only not to stop, but support her savage's son.
I wouldn't scold anyone for deciding to party on weekends.
I wouldn't scold anyone for deciding to party on weekends and in turn I wouldn't expect anyone to give offence to me for focusing on my health.【2015·福建卷】
Of course, for educating the child, it is sometimes necessary to scold him or even put in a punishment for wrongdoing.
"It's forbidden for managers to scold workers but some of our managers do not meet the standards. They're insensitive to the workers' feelings," Liu said.
And being really fully as inclined to laugh as scold — for I esteemed it all girlish vanity — I at length relented in a measure, and asked.
Gioia and other travelers scold themselves for their forgetfulness, but psychologists say it's commonplace even among the most veteran of travelers.
It's just as if it were a task he was compelled to perform — this interview — for fear his father should scold him.
Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
Friends are the only, side scold you, one side for you wipe the tears of the role.
Wang also started receiving harassing calls at midnight, had strangers scold him for infidelity outside his home, and became the subject of a leaflet hate-campaign in his community.
Nobody's going to scold you for eating three bowls of Cap 'n Crunch.
也没有人会因为你吃了三碗Cap n Crunch而责备你。
And their parents scold them and even beat them for becoming obsessed with video games.
Can you return to scold me, I still have already let you the obligation for scold, you be me heel your label sell the body contract.
I am very unhappy when he scold me for trifles.
A few moments later she walked over to scold me for supposedly giving out reckless advice.
Did you scold her for breaking it?
She'll scold you for staying up late, threaten to take away your computer and tell you to start going to bed earlier.
Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, please ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
She might scold herself for the weakness, but there was no scolding it away.
Their want for expands the spirit of the market actively, also blaming and scold to have no market, the business was difficult to do.