Uncle Homayoun told me that he had willed the house to me and that the deed of trust would be issued in my name after his death.
Meanwhile, I would like to say sorry to you for my self-willed behavior.
We cannot imagine spending a lot of time with an ill-willed person, and what sort of danger it would bring.
Some among the Jedi believed this to be part of an ancient prophecy of a Chosen One, willed into life by the midi-chlorians, who would bring balance to an increasingly darkening Force.
If one day I could no longer walk or talk, would I be still so strong-willed?
However, he willed his diary as part of his library to Magdalene College, probably knowing that it would become accessible in future yea.
Of those teams, a strong willed coach (and PR department) would be a requirement for handling Artest.
Father or strong willed said: "No, I would like to keep my church!"