Best-sellers' market operations, means research best-sellers' inherent motive reasons and regulations, to provide motive pattern, in order to enable best-sellers' to be positive operation.
When I was a child, I liked to go to the market with my grandmother, seeing her pick over the vegetables while talking with the sellers.
Monopsony: Polygamy is an example of monopsony, which is the situation when a market only has one buyer and multiple sellers.
But when the old owners want to cast aside some of these items, a market emerges, getting a better return for sellers than pawnshops.
Akerlof showed that this differential information may cause the used car market to collapse; that is, the information possessed by sellers of used cars destroys the market.
The varying fortunes of Britain and America reflect the peculiarities of each market. There have been fewer forced sellers in Britain.
That result might have something to do with how reluctant sellers are to test their trophies in the currently cautious and well-studied market.
Poland is Santander’s kind of market, though: biggish and with distressed sellers.
And imagine the secondary market sellers were insiders.
Nobel laureate George Akerlof (1940 -) examined the market for used cars and considered a situation where the sellers are better informed than the buyers.
诺贝尔奖获得者:乔治·阿克尔洛夫(1940 -)考察了二手车市场。他假设在该市场中销售者具有比消费者更多的信息。
Unlike other models of the market in illicit drugs, it takes into account two factors that are crucial to the way sellers and buyers act that tend not to be present in conventional markets.
Phillips bought market share, mainly by giving sellers lavish guarantees, promises to buy items at pre-agreed prices if the bidding failed to go high enough.
Diamonds are forever, but if Blue Nile continues to wash over the market, some traditional sellers may not be.
I attended a conference in Phuket [Thailand] last week and all the sellers and all the exports I'm talking with - they say there are not much buyers right now in the market.
In the past, Apple products have also proven to be so popular that official sellers will run out of stock, giving gray market vendors another opportunity to cash in, Sun said.
Potential sellers, discouraged by low prices and high bought-in rates, will hold on to their treasures and wait for confidence to return to the market.
The secondary market is inactive, he says, because sellers set the price too high.
The property market here isn't important just to buyers, sellers and lenders.
Though every district has its own hostels for workers, the rooms are usually rent by market sellers.
Also, the best sellers of the 80s and early 90s were unable to influence the overall market significantly.
This is a real estate market populated by fewer sellers, fewer homes for sale and a larger, proportionate share of buyers.
This is a real estate market populated by a lot of sellers with a lot of inventory available and very few buyers.
A market condition in which there are few sellers, enabling them to influence price and other factors.
Fruit sellers smoke a pipe in the market.
Given the high valuations in the mainland market at the moment, many companies would probably be willing sellers.
It does not matter which side of a market you tax. A tax on buyers is the same as a tax on sellers.
There can still be a market failure, however, if there are a limited number of buyers and sellers.
So, sellers should choose reliable express companies, which is also an effective way to expand on-line shopping market.