Hand, half round, pillar, flat and lathe.
In the using of type C3163 turret lathe in our plant, the hand rocking axle gear in the cross-slide was often broken.
The movement and operation mode of hand wheel of CNC lathe were researched.
The lathe hand may feed the cutter by hand or may make it be fed automatically by means of special gears.
The best tool I have, since it will not fit on my lathe, is a hand drill with a 1/2" chuck."
最好的工具我有,因为它不适合我的车床,是一个手钻的1 / 2 “夹头。
The brass bulb and brass boiler smoke stack were both shaped by the use of hand tools while spinning on a lathe.
He works the lathe with a bow in his right hand and guides the chisel with his left foot, and thanks to a lifetime of sitting in this position his left leg is warped out of shape.
Has the seat back cushion function, disposes the steel system hand operated, after the fold may hide in the lathe bed.
With the help of the veteran workers they designed a new lathe to replace hand Labour.