Crews have been working on the plant ever since, but officials say it can take as much as 40 years to completely clean up the area and decontaminate it.
People often put their sponges and scrubbers in the dishwasher, but if they really want to decontaminate them and not just clean them, they should use the microwave.
Scarlett said that when a cat or dog comes into a shelter, "We take pictures, wash the animal, decontaminate it, and then house it and wait for the owners to show up.
He thinks that the new polymer could also be used to decontaminate decommissioned nuclear power-stations where residual radioactive cobalt in pipes remains a problem.
Conclusions the main problem of centralized water supply management in Suzhou City was to decrease fluoride, decontaminate drinking water and protect the water source.
This article introduced several kinds of main decontaminate method and operational principle of motor oil simply, and compared their strongpoint with their shortcoming.