Compressed air system is the most important equipment is perhaps after cooler.
After cooler work principle is that use of the cooling medium (such as water or air) and after cooler the exit of compressed air temperature difference.
After cooler out at the exit of compressed air temperature should be saturated steam, and air temperature should be pressure of compressed air condensation point.
Oil filter can be placed in steam regenerative dryer, but the front after cooler can also reduce the amount of oil steam and prolong the service life of the molecule.
For example, water-cooled after cooler water temperature of 200 f, import export temperature of 600 f, compressed air after after cooler temperature dropped to 80 ~ after 200 f.
例如,水冷式后冷却器的进口水温200f,出口温度600f,压缩空气经过后冷却器后温度下降至80 ~ 200f。
Although after cooler will water vapor condensation into a liquid make temperature decrease, but for the following two reasons from after cooler out air can still see the liquid water.
Reporting on progress happens in formal Settings, such as at meetings, but often also in informal Settings, such as around the water cooler or maybe even over a drink after work.
Controlled burning in cooler months, to reduce fuel loads, was given up in many places after city people protested about smoke hazes.
此前的策略是在凉爽的季节里,有控制地燃烧部分森林,以减少可燃物载量(fuel loads),由于市区民众纷纷抗议由此引起的烟雾,这个办法已经在许多城市被弃用。
After a smooth cruise into San Diego, where Atlantis would be embarking on her next expedition, the science teams went their separate ways, cars brimming with cooler-packed samples.
After seeing Lytro's editing capabilities in action, I can tell you it's much, much cooler than anything current cameras and image editing software will let you do.
However, should still be small water frequently watering, not flood irrigation time, generally every 4 to 5 days after watering 1 times, cooler weather, basically 1 times a week.
但是,浇水时仍应小水勤浇,而不可大水漫灌此时,一般每4 ~ 5天浇水1次,天气转凉以后,基本上每周1次。
The weather becomes cooler after a shower.
The weather gets cooler after a shower.
After the steam superheater was connected in series with a set of flue gas cooler, not only solved the above mentioned problems, but also made full use of flue gas surplus heat.
After the cooler should be fitted with automatic drain device to exclude condensate and oil droplets and other impurities.
After having a shower, I went out for a walk. The air here was cooler than Singapore's.
Analyses the reasons for watering after a surface cooler. Deeply studies the watering in terms of the concept of fuzzy mathematics and by introducing influencing factor about watering.
After presenting the initial design of a heat pipe oil cooler which is used to renew the shell-and-tube oil cooler the paper describes its reasonableness and economy.
We both the cooler, and the remaining two were finished after him out of this crowded the small restaurant, as to what the rich could not bear and so, the company is back on the road topic.
After the steam superheater was connected in series with a set of flue gas cooler, not only solved the above mentioned problems, but also made full use of flue gas surplus he...
Especially, after improving the jacket parts of light socket and increasing of sour water cooler, producing condition has gotten obvious improvement.
When September comes, it starts to get cooler, so after Labour Day we start classes.
RTD mounted after each cooler, for air temperature display, alarm and trip function wired to control panel.
In studying air-cooling process with humidification or dehumidification, it is necessary to measure the enthalpy difference of air before and after the air - cooler.
The performance before and after retrofitting of the closed loop cooler of Huaneng Shantou Power Plant's No. 2 set are being compared by performance test data.
Air intercoolers and after-cooler, high efficiency cartridge type, built into the casing.
As viewed from water recycle and its recycle ratio, safety of flue gas cooler was discussed. That the very first 5 days after start up its the dangerous period.