In negative control group rabbit LEC nuclei were not positive stained.
Once a control direct VCC is established between an LEC and LES, it remains up.
In order to use a nonnative protocol on an ATM network, the client has to run an LEC.
为了在AT M网上使用非本机的协议,客户机必须运行一个LEC。
The IFM encoder is analyzed and the associated LEC-3 Intetfacing controller is presented.
对IF M编码器进行了剖析,并介绍与之配套的LEC - 3型接口控制器。
Results (1) Morphological characteristics of LEC: They were flat, elongated or polygonal shape.
Rules that a LEC (Local Exchange Carrier) employs to redirect a call that encounters a Busy or No Answer.
The paper presents the types of non-coal mine safety assessment and expounds the job risk analysis method (LEC).
For incoming calls, the LEC tries to find a traffic profile that best matches the traffic parameters in the call.
Scraping line method and MTT were used to observe the effect of angiostatin and thalidomide on proliferation and migration of LEC.
The effects of modification, grain refinement, polystyrene pattern, pouring temperature on aluminum alloy porosity in LEC process is studied.
The results of MTT test shown that the absorbance values(A values ) in LEC of H2O2 groups reduced obviously to compare with control group(P<0.01).
ObjectiveTo investigate the molecular mechanism of lingual epithelial cell (LEC) apoptosis and its related genes expression in different tongue furs.
An LEC emulates a LAN interface to higher layer protocols and applications. It forwards data to other LANE components and performs LANE address resolution functions.
This paper presents an expression for temperature distribution in growing crystal by considering the ambient temperature gradient as a variable introduced in LEC model.
This paper presents a model of campus network user behavior hazard assessment based on the LEC method, and introduces its practical application on network management system.
The crude oil tank and flare system was assessed by using of LEC. Based on the assessment result, rectifying measures were proposed, to guarantee production safety of refinery.
ObjectiveTo clone the gene of mortality factor related gene 15(MRG15) and to investigate its expression in lens epithelium cell(LEC) of normal and age related cataractous eyes.
The concept of each parameter in the LEC method is more misty, so that evaluation personnel comprehension disunity, assess cent value differ very far, hardly acquire an objective result.
Jon walks into the campus security office in his Telco costume and explains that he has been called out by the Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) because a circuit appears to be looped from the Telco.
Jon穿着他的电信制服走入场地安全办公室,然后说明他是由本地交换运营商(Local Exchange Carrier (lec))派来的,因为看来电路从电话公司形成了回路。