Now, we won't submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins.
Maybe Vanessa told him her best friend was a pimply-faced fat girl addicted to sweets?
A head stuck out cautiously - a square, pimply , purplish face with thick eyebrows and round eyes.
车厢里先探出一个头来, 紫酱色的一张方脸, 浓眉毛,圆眼睛,脸上有许多小疱。
Formation of small holes through to the substrate. The appearance of fine pimply defects in a cured film.
You'd think this could be some pimply kid in a basement, but John Lennon met some pimply kid from a basement.
They could see the pimply skin at her hairline and every knot in her frizz-hair that she hadn't taken the time to comb or run a brush through, let alone shampoo, for four, five days.