There is a fruit bowl on the table.
A fruit bowl in my tummy!
Unusual fruit bowl made from a flat sheet of steel which is then warped and knotted into itself.
If the health food experts are right, you don't need to bother with the fruit bowl anymore.
An orange is one of the most satisfying grabs from the fruit bowl-thanks to all that fiber.
As any parent can tell you, the fruit bowl always needs to be easier to reach than the cookie jar.
Managers there found a desk lamp in the back office and set it up to shine directly on their fruit bowl.
She suggested that I take baby steps to make what’s inside my home as pure as the organic apples and pears in my fruit bowl.
She suggested that I take baby steps to make what's inside my home as pure as the organic apples and pears in my fruit bowl.
Their advice: Place the fruit in a fruit bowl or in a paper bag with the top folded over. Keep the fruit at room temperature, out of direct sunlight.
Essentially, you visualize a walk down a street, or a trip round a room, and pick the points where you will put the things you want to remember-the lamppost, the fruit bowl.
A regular breakfast can consist of soybeans, an egg, a bowl of congee, corn, a sweet potato, meat and two kinds of fruit.
Have you ever heard of "Who knows that each bowl of rice is the fruit of hard toil?" It tells us not to waste food.
In the first experiment the researchers put a bowl of fruit in an enclosure and allowed pairs of age-matched chimps or bonobos to enter.
In the first experiment, the researchers put a bowl of fruit in an enclosure and allowed pairs of age-matched chimps or bonobos to enter.
This funny bowl of fruit is trophy for winning a tennis tournament on Florida.
Bring a bowl full of ice cubes to bed or slices of her favorite fruit.
A regular breakfast can consist of soybeans, an egg, a bowl of congee, corn, sweet potato, meat and two kinds of fruit.
The power of prevention may lie in a salad bowl or a plate of fruit.
Remove from the heat and push the fruit through a fine nylon sieve into a bowl. Weigh the resulting puree and return it to a clean pan.
Holding FIG by the stem end, dip halfway into chocolate and remove, leaving the fruit suspended over bowl until all excess chocolate has dripped off.
That is as simple as a bowl of whole grain cereal with low-fat milk and blueberries or a smoothie made from soymilk, fruit, and oats or toasted wheat germ.
Putting fruit in a good-looking bowl works. So does putting a salad bar in a prominent place.
Here are some ideas on how to use this versatile little fruit and make that bowl full of lemons go a whole lot further!
I didn't study fine art, I don't have a natural talent to effortlessly knock out a realistic bowl of fruit beside a water jug, and yet somehow I've still managed to blag my way this far.
Maxx, and use the bowl to display the fruit in a prominent, well-lit place in the lunchroom.
He had a different idea: he told the school lunchroom managers to buy an attractive bowl from T.J. Maxx, and use the bowl to display the fruit in a prominent, well-lit place in the lunchroom.
他有个不同的想法:他要学校餐厅的经理从T . J . Maxx采购了精美的大碗,用这些碗将水果陈列在餐厅光照良好且显眼的位置。
I would love to leave a bowl of fruit out on the table - a humble ambition, you might think, but Sam takes one bite from each of the fruit and then throws it away.