I have no say in big family affairs.
You are forever meddling in family affairs, spring moon.
Child as she is, she knows how to deal with family affairs.
By thunder! What right he has to interfere in my family affairs!
The decision power of family affairs is in the hand of my mother.
The wind rain reading sound ear, family affairs world is all about.
I tried to learn to do family affairs like cook, wash clothes, etc.
I began to repose myself, live after my old fashion, and take care of my family affairs.
I too have retired from family affairs, and now I am beginning to feel the effects of aging.
I appreciate the whole families of my aunts for them in undertaking a lot of family affairs for this trips;
The Irish Department of Social and Family Affairs (DSFA) is the most visible example of Naked Objects in action.
爱尔兰社会及家庭事务部(DSFA)是Naked Objects最著名的样板。
I will support your career if you wish to after the marriage. And of course, I will take on obligation of family affairs.
If most of the women have the final say not only in small family matters, but also in major family affairs, will husbands be happy?
The theoretical origin that the debt occurred by one person is taken as the spouses joint debt, is the theory about the agency of family affairs.
That men are becoming increasingly less masculine is indeed a worrying trend. This phenomenon can be attributed to the fast growing power of women in family affairs.
Under the principle of gender equality, the couples should be equal in dealing with family affairs, which means that the will of neither side can prevail over that of the other side.
"Sima Rangju was furious and scolded," as the appointed supervisor of the army, instead of putting state military matters ahead of everything else, you rather bothered your family affairs.
A parental allowance introduced in 2007 by then Federal Minister for Family Affairs Ursula von der Leyen, pays parents on child-care leave 67 percent of their take-home income for up to 14 months.
At the events, you can meet expert growers and discuss which ones will best suit your conditions, and because these are family affairs, children are well catered for with apple-themed fun and games.
Public business comes before private affairs. The state comes before the family.
公而忘私, 国而忘家。
《新英汉大辞典》When the PARTHENON check of three hundred and fifty dollars was forwarded to him, he turned it over to the local lawyer who had attended to Brissenden's affairs for his family.
Begin to use this miracle-working power and smooth your way in daily affairs, solve business problems, and bring harmony in family relationships.
The family is destroyed, the love affairs end up very badly.