In this approach, large corporations participate in the development of successful and stable minority businesses by making use of government-sponsored venture capital.
We will establish a mechanism to ensure stable growth of government investment in science and technology.
In an era where cash is king and debt is big trouble, a junior government minister, Lord Triesman, has warned that the entire stable of English clubs was carrying loans of $4.3 billion.
在这样一个现金为王的时代,债务可是个大麻烦。 一位年轻的内阁部长——特雷斯曼勋爵曾警告说,全体英格兰俱乐部贷款总计已经达到四十三亿美元。
The second need is a more established global rule of law: "I'm not talking about a global world government, but a sound system that tells entrepreneurs the rules of the game are stable."
In Macroeconomics study, one main aim of the government is to keep a high and stable level of employment in the economy.
In a government statement in June 2011, Chancellor Merkel had promised to keep prices stable.