Establishing an expectation is difficult, though, since the American plan is a grab-bag of different initiatives.
Even so, the proximity talks seem likely, at best, to be a staging post on the way to an American plan to tackle the real issues.
The American plan also meets Stern's other prescriptions for an effective green stimulus - a concentration on building efficiency and renewable energy.
Of more concern is that the plan, if it were approved, would neither shore up the financial system nor save the American economy.
If it goes through, the GM plan would do little harm to American autoworkers; virtually all of the lost jobs in this case would be Canadian.
Or I'd like to be an American citizen living in Dallas right now and working, but that'll come eventually - it's in my life plan.
我也想此刻就成为一名居住、工作在达拉斯的美国公民,但这一天早晚会到来- - -因为这是我人生计划的一部分。
Tonight, I'd like to update the American people on the international effort that we have led in Libya - what we've done, what we plan to do, and why this matters to us.
Most think Mr Obama is doing a good job in Iraq, and a plurality think his plan to withdraw most American troops by the end of 2010 is about right.
A safer Iraq might make Barack Obama's plan to pull out most American troops within 16 months more feasible, though at the moment a precipitate withdrawal looks foolish.
The plan would “create jobs for American workers to strengthen our economy now, and increase our nation's growth and productivity in the future,” the White House said.
The Reverend Pat Robertson referred to me as Slick Willie and said I had a radical plan to destroy the American family.
All the same, this week Japanese and American officials, including Mr Campbell, reaffirmed their commitment to the relocation plan, as if the senators' idea was off the table.
And it's a reminder that a decent outcome may still be possible in Iraq, especially now that the Parliament has endorsed the U.S.-Iraqi plan for a 2011 withdrawal of American troops.
Intelligence sources also say the plan involved phased attacks, targeting about a dozen planes and possibly concentrated on British and American airlines.
It is not yet clear what Greece's fallback plan will be if American demand is weak.
Mr Obama took an American approach to health care, dismissing both a Canadian single-payer option and a broad federal safety-net plan to win support.
The current plan is to rely mainly on Russian and commercial American launch services to get Americans to the International Space Station (ISS).
But he resigned after failing to adhere to a campaign pledge to revise a plan to relocate an enormous and enormously unpopular American Marine base in Okinawa.
In 2000 the 12 South American countries launched a regional integration plan that included 33 projects in Colombia, a strategic crossroads in the Americas.
Mr Nazarbayev has agreed with Azerbaijan on an American-backed plan to bring energy across the Caspian Sea.
But the agreement will also formalise facilities for the American trainers and surveillance planes that help Colombian forces in anti-drug actions under plan Colombia.
According to a recent report (PDF), 20% of American colleges already outsource their email systems to commercial providers, and more plan to do so in the future.
The green recovery plan was incubated at a liberal thinktank, the Centre for American Progress.
The American Medical Association has said that it will oppose any public plan "that forces physicians to participate".
So American Airlines announced a new "value pricing" plan, which entailed cutting fares while replacing complex discounts with a simple, four-tier price system.
In a botched about-turn, Yukio Hatoyama, Japan's prime minister, conceded that his plan to remove an American military base from the island of Okinawa was not feasible.
Next, do the Money Changers believe that we are so ignorant that in the last 200+ years of American History we will fall prey to their selfish and destructive plan?