1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-12 21:23:26


  • Theresa showed me her photo album.


  • British Prime Minister Theresa May said Hawking was one of the greatest scientists of his time.


  • "It feels more like a roller coaster, but it's really nice," a Germany tourist Theresa Kessemeier said after she completed a ride.


  • Through her website Theresa Loe emphasizes that "anybody can do this anywhere".


  • One thing that seemed to worry Theresa Hitchens is that the new weapon could increase the danger of a space arms race.


  • What political journalist, what party whip, would not want to know the makeup of the WhatsApp groups in which Theresa May's enemies are currently plotting?

    哪个政治记者、哪位党鞭不想知道特雷莎·梅的敌人目前正在密谋的 WhatsApp 团体由哪些人组成?

  • I am on a hot August afternoon, sitting in a Starbucks that two years ago opened a block away from the Theresa, snatching at memories between sips of high-priced coffee.


  • Last month the home secretary, Theresa May, announced that embassy staff would interview more than 100,000 applicants in an attempt to prevent bogus ones entering the country.


  • Theresa: And that should be chopped, should it?


  • Can Theresa May lead us out of the European Union?


  • Theresa: I notice that you have left the skin on it.


  • Theresa: They go on regular bike rides together too.


  • Theresa: I notice that you are pressing it into the salmon.


  • About half an hour later an aide called me: “Theresa, they need you in 1022.”


  • The choice in January of Theresa May to be his opposite number was criticised.

    一月份Theresa May选择与之对立,而遭批评。

  • As everyone knows, Theresa says, it is impossible to accurately project revenues of a start-up.


  • Wonderful photo series by Theresa Knudson features creative portraits of her daydreaming cat.

    精彩的照片系列选自Theresa Knudson的白日梦猫咪创意图片集

  • Last month, police say, Theresa Riggi disappeared with her kids from the family home in Aberdeen.


  • In which case mother Theresa wouldn't be selfish because she is interested in what other people wants.


  • So does Theresa May, who is under pressure to cut police Numbers as a result of the austerity programme.


  • Theresa May, the home secretary, has already announced a scheme for locally elected police commissioners.

    内政大臣特丽萨•梅(Theresa May)已宣布建立地方票选警长机制。

  • The following morning, Theresa kissed her mother and child goodbye and headed off for a rare day of leisure.


  • More early stage capital, Theresa argues, will lead to more investible social businesses for the larger funds.


  • But real heroes should be voluntary, like Mother Theresa, and no amount of public pressure can ever create one.


  • If Obama needs to talk to Theresa May, his situation room operators get in touch with the staff at 10 Downing Street.


  • It was a big shock but it brought the community even closer, said Tinley Park High School Principal Theresa Zielinski.

    TINLEY PARK高中的校长Theresa Zielinski说,这是一个很大的打击,但它却让这个群体更加团结了。

  • The centerfold picture in the June edition of Playboy will be in 3-d, Playboy spokeswoman Theresa Hennessey said Tuesday.


  • They may not be nine 'o' clock news things (Question: Do you think Mother Theresa would have stopped caring if she never got any publicity?)
